Today’s article comes to you from the ITS Forums via Doc of RSKTKR Consulting. We thought this was such a great topic that we wanted to throw it up as a main article. Where have you stashed a handgun in your home or car that you feel is an especially clever stashing place? Here is a list from a very popular internet thread where all these ideas are collecting. Hiding Places 1. Empty cereal box in pantry, back when I lived in the ‘hood’. Was hoping thieves wouldn’t be hungry! Kaboom cereal in Kill Bill 2. Hanging upside down from a hook under the bathroom cabinet, just above the door. Inside a closet (not a walk-in) up over the door. Most closets are “shallow” and while a Burglar might go thru your clothes and items on shelving, he probably won’t look straight-up over his head. 3. Behind a decorative blanket hung like a cheap tapestry 4. Non-locking hideaway picture frame. 5. False bottom in bedside drawer. 6. Fake electrical outlets. read more here ...