45/70 cases

Discussion in 'Buy Sell Trade' started by INRICK, Dec 4, 2010.


    INRICK Monkey+

    anybody interd in some 45/70 cases and bullets?
  2. Maxflax

    Maxflax Lightning in a bottle

    Maybe.. I have gun related items left from a recently closed biz.. I can swap if you are into that.. how many cases, what condition and what brand/weight//how many bullets?

    I'm in Western WA State

    INRICK Monkey+

    they are marlins 45/70 brass about 40 of them and for the bullets i need to fined them i thought i new lol sorry.the cases need cleaned but ill get it done. they have been shot twice.
  4. Maxflax

    Maxflax Lightning in a bottle

    I can clean them, no problem

    INRICK Monkey+

    45/70 casess

    Picture 115.

    here is a pic of the 45/70s

    29 cases and 55 lead bullets
    Picture 115.
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