Anybody here have one of these? How well does it return to zero after adjustments? I have never owned a BSA scope, so I know nothing about them. Trying to find out others opinions other than the reviews at SWFA. I could use another scope and am on a budget at the moment.
'Tis the Season to shoot Sage Rats! Fa la la la...! Hope to head up to Klamath in April, but we'll see. Let me know if you need any help out there on the east side :^) I've been looking at this Nikon scope for my AR, but could buy 4 of the BSAs...
I've been wanting to get a SWFA SS Tactical or Burris Fullfield TAC 30 but just can't swing it right now. I'll give it a try but if it turns out to be a piece of crap, I know who to look up.
There ain't nothin like killin those dirty rats! We'll send them fleeing the fields of alfalfa and grain with a great slaughter that will be remembered as the day of, uh, hmmm, Killin! I'll be free in about 3 weeks...
I have two BSA SWEET scopes one for my .17 that has a range from 50-300 yards and one for my 22 with a range from 50-250 yards. The one for the 22 came with three different knobs for different grain bullets. For the price they can't be beat. My Sweet 22 also has the lighted cross hairs which work good in low light. The scope on the .17 is pretty darn accurate. I got a woodchuck are 225 yards with that. I had to walk the bullet in as i had no clue how far he was. I kept turning the knob 25 at a time till he went down (wasn't a very smart chuck). Anyways after i shot i paced it off at 221 and i had the scope at 225.. Jason
I mounted the scope on my 24" 223 bolt rifle and gave it a range test today. It was capable of clover leaf accuracy @100yds. I found out the hard way that the left and right adjustment was slow to react when adjusted. I have never had one do this, so it took me a few shots to figure it out.I had a round on paper and the I made a few clicks and it moved about 25% of the distance on paper it should have. So a few more clicks same thing. Then all of a sudden it would jump completely across and some times off paper. I soon discovered that it took about 4 shots for it to settle into the adjustments made. So I started making the required adjustments and then took a butt of my screw driver and gave it a few whacks on the BSA emblem and then it would like clock work track to the required clicks. In the end the trajectory adjustment works just fine, and the left and right loosened up after a few adjustments. I spent a couple hundred rounds and the rifle preformed great and I had some very tiny groups from it, so in the end the scope gave me my moneys worth and then some in the accuracy dept. I wouldn't put my life on the line with it, but I would shoot plenty of saber toothed squirrels with it.
I'm a redneck. I can make just about anything work for me. I own one of these BSA scopes, and it works just fine. By the way, it's Sportsmansguide or CTD that sells them for about $50, too. Excellent buy. BSA is good quality from my own experience...yours may vary. I also picked one of these up at a gun show used and it sits on my 7mm Rem. Mag. No complaints here. I find it too large for an AR platform. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
I have one of the SS series and they are very good. The best way I know to test a scope returning to zero is to shoot a box where you click up so many clicks, then click over so many, then down the same amount as your come ups, then over the same amount. The next bullet should hit where the first one did.