A Christian Perspective On De Facto National Disarmament

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by Lone Gunman, Apr 3, 2018.

  1. Lone Gunman

    Lone Gunman Draw Varmint!


    f someone were to ask me what America’s real problem is with guns-in-general, and the AR-15 rifle-in-particular, that person would be told a message that apparently too many in American government, today, do not want to hear:

    Bring Back Judeo-Christian Morality!

    The exact same morality upon which this great nation was originally founded. For a fact, ALL Americans were much better off when this once great nation was still a practicing Judeo-Christian republic rather than the disparate social polyglot, the uncommitted ‘free for all state’, that America has, now, been allowed to become.

    Forget about disarming everybody in the name of peace and public safety, except (of course) the cops and criminals. Do not allow these televised do-gooder ‘publicity hounds’, or any of the usual smarmy ‘congressional stooges’ to do your thinking for you. THAT is the ‘garden path’! Take the necessary remedial action, and do all of your own thinking for yourself.

    You can begin by encouraging everyone you know to save themselves by calling for the return of The Ten Commandments back into: government, banking, commerce, industry; and, especially, back into the public schools.

    Personal adherence to these high moral commandments has kept people on the ‘straight and narrow’ path (toward salvation) for more than three thousand years; and, if the American people would return these (actually) vital spiritual commandments into daily public life and government then individually initiated and personally maintained moral rectitude, and self-willed ethical conduct could, once again, be returned to everyday American life!

    It is not an absence of guns that keeps the American public safe; instead, it’s the actuality that other people are morally sensitive, scripturally knowledgeable, intellectually self-disciplined, and personally possessed of a biblically trained conscience.

    A man’s ‘heart’ is what ultimately governs his behavior; and, like conscience, everyman’s heart must be scripturally trained and intimately familiar with the fundamental concepts of universally moral biblical (Judeo-Christian) ethics.

    In order to live a successful life, everyone needs to be able to rely upon some sort of benign moral guidelines—Guidelines which will, of necessity, apply to one’s own self and everybody else, as well. Sadly, however, this is NOT happening in America, today!

    No man should allow himself to fall into the serious intellectual trap of becoming a power unto himself, alone. All successful intellectual being requires some sort of readily available access to a concerned and concerning higher cerebral power because, otherwise, the experience of life, itself, becomes futile and not worth living. (Think about it!)

    Plants have the sun; animals have each other; and, as for mankind, man has, through education and experience, acquired entrée to Godlike self-awareness—Which, of course, includes or should include the perception of universal moral amplitudes.

    (An individual recognition of that which is ‘right’, in contrast to that which is ‘wrong’. Hence the true definition of the word ‘sociopath’.)

    Look! If you know what I mean, “It’s never too late until it’s too late!” As long as there is time to change for the better, then, America should change for the better. (Which in this thesis means to return rather than to change—Yes!)

    Why? Because if society is to develop and maintain a healthy spiritual and intellectual stimulus then each and every one of us owes righteous impulses and ‘good’ social behaviors to himself, first; and, then, to all of our ‘neighbors’. What do they say? “Life is for learning!” Umm . . . they also say there’s an easy, and a hard way to learn everything as well—Don’t they!

    Right now the United States of America is hell-bent determined to learn everything the hard way; and the sad reality is that, by this late historical date, we should all know better; but, clearly, we do not.

    Fortunately (or not) for everyone living, today, our forefathers have already done the hard thinking for us, and left an ethical social ‘map’ for how we should spiritually and politically proceed and, thereby, save ourselves. All each of us has to do is to follow along on an already well-marked intellectual road—A scripturally well-marked intellectual road!

    You know that very same road which so very many people so very deliberately choose to ignore to both their own inevitable peril, as well as, ultimately, to the dire fate of the entire social group!

    The real horror is that, while today’s sordid news events are taking place, social government remains cynically ambivalent, seeking only to punish and deny the vast majority of citizens their hard-won historical rights in retribution for the maliciously inspired, insidious sins of the few—The very few!

    Remember, the entire nation of Great Britain was effectively disarmed because of the moral degeneration and societal sins of only two men—Two men! It is the murderous acts committed by an insane Michael Ryan in ‘87; and, again, by a perversely troubled Thomas Hamilton in ‘96 that effectively disarmed an entire nation of over 66 million people!

    Even worse, the concept and occasional physical necessity for the act of self-defense, itself, has now become severely abridged and, in many cases, actually outlawed. In today’s Great Britain any homeowner, any normally law-abiding citizen, can run afoul of these new laws and be imprisoned for so much as attempting to defend himself—Nice, huh! 1.

    (Kind ‘a makes many people wonder what makes Great Britain so ‘Great’? The question has to be asked: ‘Great’ for whom?) o_O

    Australia has gone through some radical diminutions of previously acknowledged ‘inalienable civil rights’, too. A mentally impaired and morally degenerate Martin Bryant ran amuck on a wild murder spree in ‘96; and Australian politicians predictably responded as they normally would: They promptly attacked the ostensible means (the symptoms) of the event by drastically curtailing the nation’s longstanding firearm laws! Laws that, in many cases, had been in effect and existed WITHOUT untoward incident for more than 250 years!

    (The very same historical precedent that exists, right here, in America, right now! Nobody really has to tune into today’s ‘Big News’ in order to recognize which way the always obsequious and condescending ‘political winds’ are blowing!) :p

    How can otherwise rational Australian politicians honestly assert that this sort of feel-good ‘knee jerk’ gun legislation is either a sane, a practical, or an effective response to today’s ongoing social problems with excessive violence, mass murder, and mayhem? How is it possible for any group of otherwise rational people to be sooo . . . naïve, so just plain good old-fashioned stupid!

    The true causes of today’s ever increasing societal problems with excessive physical violence and murderous mayhem are NOT CAUSED by any one type of tool, or group of tools: i.e., firearms.

    The actual root causes of today’s obscene (and ever-growing) problems with various social dilemmas like: mass murder, social mayhem, and all different sorts of civic unrest are all direct consequences of the severe modern-day decline in formerly widespread Judeo-Christian morality and social ethics; or should I, more specifically, say an outstanding lack thereof!

    It’s not people’s guns that are the root cause of today’s societal problems; it is, instead, the ongoing degeneration of the largely morally inept, increasingly disbelieving, and broadly disinterested collective human psyche that is actually at fault. 2., 3.

    If things continue on as they are presently doing then someday, perhaps sooner rather than later, the whole world—including America, Great Britain, and Australia—is going to slide past a certain irreversible point of no return. A spiritual and intellectual ‘hole’ out of which there will be no escape! (Like lemmings rushing, headlong, over a clifftop there will be only one remaining direction, left, in which to fall; and that direction will, invariably, be downward—straight downward!)

    All of which raises the intriguing question: What is everybody going to do when their ill-considered and quasi-intellectual: ‘humanism’, ‘free choice’, and ‘free thinking’ finally run out; and they are left with no other direction in which to proceed except downward and straight into the intellectual hell of having lived a (spiritually) wasted life?

    God is, as always, aware of the problems with which mankind continues to be faced. (It has been said before that: If God were to suddenly stop breathing then the whole universe would cease to exist!) If any national group would deign to ask God to bless them then they are, also, going to have to give Him a valid number of very good reasons ‘Why’? Right now, today, with the tragic way that all forms of cooperative social intercourse are deteriorating in America, it should be patently obvious that this once great Judeo-Christian nation has, absolutely, no particular ‘spendable currency’ with God—None!

    Sadly (ominously) the apparently less than obvious truth is that it isn’t guns, or any one particular gun, that can be honestly blamed for all of the ever-expanding violence that is presently occurring all across America. More logically, it is America’s perverse social engine, itself, that is, in reality, driving all of today’s wild murderous mayhem.

    Isn’t it about time that American social government finally placed the richly deserved blame for these heinous crimes against—not society-at-large, but—HUMANITY ITSELF squarely where it belongs? Isn’t it!

    Now, where would that be? Hmmm, . . . How about on today’s: thoroughly self-serving, morally degenerate, ethically equivocal, and demonstrably godless, primary government principals.

    (Ya think, maybe huh!) :unsure:

    Morally ambivalent, and ethically alienated men and women who—along with the twisted and exceedingly violent sociopaths any such decrepit society is certain to produce—are actually to blame for all of the horrific murders that are presently sweeping across this country.

    Not without reason, not without a certain underhanded cunning, these same degenerate government leaders refuse to accept the blame for what they have done and, instead, seek to point the finger of blame at society-in-general when, in fact, that same guilty finger should, with greater rectitude be, more correctly, pointed straight back at them!

    It is their degenerate gross failures in leadership, and their gross failures alone, that have stimulated today’s horrendous catastrophes in: ALL government spending, national and international banking regulations, national and international trade agreements, and even in the badly confused and inept management of international warfare, as well.

    Remember the recent public admissions about The American government choosing to engage in outrageous and obscenely expensive wars in places like: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Lebanon?

    Wars that have been, and are presently being fought at both the wrong time, and in the wrong places—All at taxpayer expense!

    How many Americans know and are able to appreciate that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, both, funded and armed Isis—That there would be no Isis, today, unless two or three of this nation’s most prominent political leaders hadn’t, in fact, agreed among themselves to destabilize the region’s crude oil supply, and use public tax dollars in order to fund these varied murderous enterprises!

    Which would help to explain ‘Why’ American Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was in large part an unwitting party to many of the actual sordid details, thereto, was deliberately allowed to die. 4., 5., 6.

    Now, THIS is real self-inflicted damage that all of these unfortunate and misguided taxpayers, whom the American government so grossly overtaxes and so assiduously wants to disarm, are being forced to pay! For those who might wonder exactly where this incessant drive to disarm America continually originates, I’d say that: Your guess is, probably, as good as mine; but, ‘the smart money’ has to be on the surreptitious and nearly invisible IBC (‘international bankster cartel’).

    More importantly it is these same degenerate international ‘banksters’ and their highly placed government cronies—whose additional failures in both public education, and (what should have been) historically cherished social morality—that have so grossly aided and abetted today’s social phenomenon of horrific mass murders; and, even worse, it is their continued failures in leadership that persist in nurturing this nation’s ever expanding and increasingly violent antisocial behaviors, AND completely out-of-control national debt.

    In other words: If an individual is a maladjusted sociopath, or any sort of indolent, vainglorious, and corrupt elitist then one (or more) of today’s 21st century world governments, definitely, has a job ready and waiting for that person to do. ‘Why’? Because there is well established and ongoing corruption, along with dimwitted and thoroughly self-serving leadership, present at every level of today’s ‘Big Government’; and ‘serving one’s country’ no longer means what it once did!

    Nowadays, managing to endure the bureaucratic machinations of ‘Big Government’ with its myriad of uncontradictable: agencies, rules, regulations, meticulously crafted media bullhooey, constantly increasing tax burdens, wanton individual healthcare, and compelled personal food choices has become increasingly difficult, if not next-to-impossible, for any and all ordinary citizens to do.

    Every antisocial elitist or psychopath who’s out there, right now, is already onboard ‘the train’; and why not? As far as these people with their incredibly sick minds are concerned they've got absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain! Abuse, lie, cheat, and steal from as many people as possible, even murder and maim; and what is the worst that can happen? Jail time, right. Big deal! . . . Jail time!

    Today whenever a murderous psychopath is captured alive, what happens? Well, as expected, the conniving little coward is guaranteed ‘three squares’ a day, free medical and dental benefits for the rest of his worthless life, mandatory recreation time; and, sometimes even, occasional access to TV for as long as he continues to live out his comparatively stress-free existence at one of the government’s modern penal campuses.

    (Really scary, huh! Don’t forget that jail time still beats having to go to work everyday, and pay all of your own commuting costs, healthcare expenses, and taxes; but jailed killers, serial rapists, and corporate ‘Mega Thieves’ are not required to pay their own way. Instead they are, all, conveniently warehoused at public expense!) :rolleyes:

    In today’s world people have learned how to get away with whatever they’re allowed to get away with. This bizarre system of maudlin non-capital punishment is a startling and actually oppressive fact of today’s typically godless modern living. Imprisonment for even the worst of crimes appears to be kind, humanistic, and even somewhat forgiving; but, it is NOT the ostensibly benign practice that it appears to be.

    Big Government’ and far too many of today’s exceedingly perverse and habitually underhanded elitist politicians effectively abuse, both, their roles as society’s most prominent moral paradigms, as well as their outstanding social responsibility to maintain an ethical, orderly, and authentically benevolent social structure. When are people going to learn that: ‘Prisons tend to breed super-criminals like dirty toilet bowls tend to breed superbugs!

    Today all taxpaying citizens are being increasingly required to warehouse an overwhelming abundance of what should be castoff and readily disposable human garbage—Garbage that might at any time, and for myriad reasons, be suddenly released once again upon society!

    Did you know that biblical ancient Israel had no prisons—None! Instead justice was swift; criminals weren’t ‘warehoused’ at enormous public expense; and, whenever possible, any and all debts to society were settled the same day. Novel idea; isn’t it! Do you think this same pragmatic legal approach might work, here, in America today?

    America’s ‘moral compass’ has become, I think rather deliberately, badly broken; and, unless the damage is promptly repaired, this once great nation of free armed citizens is doomed to become no more than another historical footnote on what can (and, sooner or later, will) go wrong with all of fallen mankind’s political governments.

    The damage doesn’t come so much from without as it does from within. Disarming, or effectively abridging the valuable Second Amendment Rights of, an entire nation of 325 + million people, and/or deliberately creating an enormous disparity between the efficiency of military, and civilian small arms are NOT the correct answers to today’s violent social ills.

    In reality, such purported social solutions are the artfully contrived, politically preferred answers that today’s international ‘banksters’ and their obsequious crony politicians work tirelessly to foist upon the gullible and largely unsuspecting general populations of, among other countries, these United States of America.

    America was conceived and founded on the basic political premise that every individual citizen has a fundamental birthright to: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. All of which, together, imply ancillary individual rights of both active SELF-RELIANCE, AND viable SELF-DEFENSE!

    However unfortunate, and no matter the country, the assumed universal rights of self-reliance, and self-defense are intellectually idealized social concepts that, realistically speaking, no temporal government of a politically ‘empowered few’ will ever be inclined to authentically provide to the general majority of what is—in reality—a legally disjointed, civilly disenfranchised, and pragmatically powerless citizenry-at-large.

    Which is the real political reason ‘Why’ America was conceived by its Founding Fathers as a REPUBLIC rather than as the highly socialized and subservient representative democracy into which it has been subverted by cumulative succeeding generations of ruthless greedy ‘banksters’, and their venal self-serving politicians.

    As both Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, themselves, each acknowledged during the early formative years of this republic: Any new form of American government will not be able to endure for long in its original nascent state. Unfortunately for modern day America, history has once again proven each of these men to be remarkably clear-sighted, and incisively correct! 7., 8.

    Human nature being what it is, (fallen) all children and adults need to be regularly admonished in order to behave well because, otherwise, acute and often universally destructive self-service will—without question—manifest itself and prevail.

    The sad truth is that left to his own volition no man (nor any group of men) is able to do good and behave well for any extended period of time. Absolutely no one! All even the very best of us can do is to try—to try and little more. Happily for us, though, is the fact that God, our heavenly Father, appears to be willing to accept an individual’s heartfelt sorrow, and sincere regret as demonstrable proof of (at the very least) a desire to behave righteously. 9., 10.

    What is the correct answer, the one that very few of today’s politicians are willing to actually stop and listen to? OK, here’s my own (albeit, admittedly, subjective) answer: Throughout my long life, and in one way or another, I’ve been repeatedly confronted by sundry forms of evil—genuine evil.

    Consequently, over the years and along the way, I have learned that evil people are most definitely morally and ethically myopic. Corrupt men do not (and will not) submit themselves to the normal moral strictures that, at one time or another, everyman’s conscience is vexed by and, in varying degree, either inclined or disinclined to obey.

    erverse people always seem to be strongly influenced to indulge themselves no matter the (ultimate) cost. They routinely ignore that ‘quiet voice within’ and alternatively seek to nurture and protect their own disobedient, but nevertheless, remarkably fragile egos. Of necessity this sort of contemptible personal behavior forces these morally truculent people to live largely within the present moment.

    (If I’ve seen this sort of moral indolence once, believe me, I’ve seen it at least a thousand times!)

    Why do corrupt self-serving people prefer to behave this way? Perhaps the answer is less than obvious; but, the way I see it, the usual reason is because these godless, morally obtuse degenerates always seek to serve their own ends, first; and they’ll even continue to behave this way when they fully realize what the ultimate consequence(s) of their actions is, surely, going to be—Well earned and utterly overwhelming personal disaster!

    (Remember these people strongly prefer to live only in the present moment and rarely, if ever, look further into the future. ‘Why’ you might ask? Because they don’t want to see, or have to consider, what they know is waiting for them there.) 11., 12.

    These conniving moral degenerates assiduously dig deep holes in the ground in order to hide themselves from the very same turmoil which they have either created, or helped to create; and, at the same time, they also build enormously destructive ‘super weapons’ with which to attempt to protect themselves from that approaching (karmically attracted) wrath which they know is coming, and against which there is going to be no conceivable successful defense.

    Look, I’m not ‘reinventing the wheel’ here; this has all been said before:

    Because ye have said, ‘We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we in agreement; when the terror which flies by night and the overflowing scourge pass through, neither shall alight upon us; for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves.’ ” (Isaiah 28:15)

    Woe unto them who seek to hide their perverse councils deeply from The Lord. Whose obscene works are done in the dark, and they say unto one another, ‘Who is able to see us, and who can tell what is the work that we do? ” (Isaiah 29:15)

    Whither shall I hide from Thy Spirit? or whither shall I flee from Thy Presence?” . . . “If I ascend to heaven, Thou art there.” . . . “If I make my bed in hell, behold, again Thou art there.” . . . “If I take the wings of the dawn, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Thou shalt find me, and Thy strong right hand shall reach out and take ahold of me.” (Psalm 139: 7-12)

    Among of the most important (spiritual) lessons I have learned in life are (1) first and foremost to always listen to that ‘small guiding voice’ that abides within, (2) not to ever, ever lie to myself, and (3) to always be willing to accept the consequences of my own personal behavior. ‘Why’ is this important? Because,

    Personal (spiritual) karma is like a viscous glue; and it will continue to stick to you no matter how hard you try to shake it off, or wherever you might try to hide.

    Nobody, absolutely nobody, has ever escaped, or ever will escape, from the relentless consequences of his own pursuing karma! God, Himself, is the ultimate avenger; and He always pays back, in kind, whatever is due!

    Therefore it is well written, “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.” (Proverbs 9:10, Psalms 111:10, & Job 18:14)

    Know this for a fact: Whatever sordid behavior men do not punish, efficiently; or succeed in punishing sufficiently, God will most assuredly punish in full measure. He has already sworn by His Own Holy Name to do so; and, while God’s Will can be ignored, it cannot ever be successfully contradicted. (Deuteronomy 32:35, and Romans 12:17)

    Personally speaking I think—no, I believe—that only strict adherence to Judeo-Christian law and bible-based theology is the correct answer to the increasingly sick and perversely twisted ills that are rampant throughout America, today. If biblical prophesy is to be accepted then, over the short term ahead, things are not going to be getting better; instead, they are going to be getting worse—Significantly worse!

    At this juncture in time the real question is just how unbearable, and how genuinely vulnerable, are people going to allow themselves to become? Self-reliance and self-defense are a lot more than just (presumably) inalienable civil rights; they are also absolute physical prerequisites for your own continued personal safety, daily sustenance, ongoing survival, and overall successful living.

    What pending implications do these dire biblical prophesies carry for people, today? These prophesies mean that now is the right time to, both, change your own spiritual course for the better, to fix the broken moral compass that others have imposed upon you, and to choose which side of today’s progressively accelerating moral dilemma you really want to be on.

    Because I, personally, believe in the teachings of The Lord Jesus Christ I, also, firmly believe that it is a serious mortal sin for any man, to even so much as attempt, to disarm his neighbor.

    I know! Because of the overwhelming influence of socialistic ‘Big Media’, this is a novel way of thinking for our day and age; but, The Lord Jesus Christ specifically warned His followers to prepare for the dark days ahead by, among other things, acquiring ‘swords’ with which to defend themselves.

    Now, I’ve heard all the arguments both for, and against; but Christ did not require any person to protect Him; neither did He, at anytime, ask for any such assistance. Instead, Christ wanted His disciples to arm themselves against what He knew would be the looming continued predations of a duplicitous, increasingly contentious, and always antithetical world-at-large—Against what was to inevitably become their own unavoidably chimeric church! (Luke 22:36)

    Christ's very prudent precaution is a world-wise principle of self-defense that, among other national groups, the entire nation of Israel strictly adheres to; and what’s good for what I would assume to be a God-fearing nation should also be good for all law-abiding Christians, as well.

    Consequently, anyone—anyone—who would deliberately deprive his neighbor of constructively owning, carrying, and/or using a weapon is, in both deliberate deed, as well as in actual fact, acting against a valuable precautionary admonition of The Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples during His last (recorded) night, here, on earth.

    The high Judeo-Christian God—known most correctly as ‘YHWH ’, and accurately pronounced in the original Hebrew tongue as ‘Yāh Héh Vāh ’—has never, not even once in all of recorded history, forbidden His believers to arm themselves. Neither is self-defense considered to be a sin anywhere in the entire Holy Bible as it is, nevertheless, considered to be throughout all of Great Britain, today.

    (The same politically cynical and just plain snide quasi-legal hypocrisy that is scheduled to arrive, here, in America too!) :unsure:

    Only tyrants, and men who are (definitely) up to no good seek to disarm their neighbors and hold the general population at a distinct disadvantage. God, Himself, does not espoused any such restriction for His people—Ever! Here is God's Word on today's hysterical legislative concepts involving a bizarre compulsory sharing of guilt:

    The fathers shall not be put to death for the sins of their children; neither shall the children be put to death for their father’s sins: Every man shall be put to death for his own sin.” (Deuteronomy 24:16)

    The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” “The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son:” (Ezekiel 18:20)

    And Abraham drew near, and said,Wilt Thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?’ ” … … “And The Lord said,I will not destroy it (Sodom)(Ed.) for the sake of: 50, 40, 30, 20, or even only 10 righteous souls. ” (Genesis 18:20-32)

    (Of which, when this narrative is read in its entirety, Sodom apparently had only one (reasonably) righteous soul; and God did, indeed, spare that one righteous soul along with several other souls who were subsequently shown to be not quite so deserving!)

    The biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah clearly illustrates the scriptural principle that:

    It Is Unjust To Punish Both The Righteous, And The Wicked Together.

    If, among other of today’s nefarious mass murders, Cho Seung-Hui, Adam Lanza, James Holmes, or Nikolas Cruz chose to use their (legally acquired) guns to murder numerous men, women, and children then, according to the Holy Bible, direct responsibility for each of these groups of murders rests solely upon the shoulders of each of the killers, themselves, and not upon: The company that built the gun(s), the person who sold either the gun or the bullets that were used in the massacre, or to anyone else who might happen to also own a firearm. All such specious pseudointellectual conclusions and quasi-legal assertions are (because they must be) unscriptural non sequiturs.13.

    Contrary to the sort of hysterical blind reasoning that organized news and entertainment corporations (‘Big Media’) are foisting upon the general public, today, the NRA is NOT some sort of bizarre ‘death cult’. Neither is ‘Gun Owners Of America’, nor ‘Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms’ in any way implicated in these outrageous crimes.

    There is no sane or logical connection among these aforementioned Second Amendment groups, and any of today’s media-inspired and government-incubated homicidal maniacs—None!

    In a saner world than this one it would, of course, be asinine to assume that if there were no guns then there would be no murders. The reality is that as long as there are people who are willing to violate the clearly stated Will Of God then, THERE WILL BE MURDERS! Only the ‘weapons-of choice’ will vary.

    Let’s face it: God and the Angels in Heaven have always expected this sort of highly reprehensible behavior from (fallen) men. The only genuine mitigating factor appears to be the individually acquired moral perception that in order to remain at peace with God and, thereby, live a truly successful life, it is necessary for everyone—and especially for school-age children—to be able to differentiate between the (actually ancient) biblical concepts of ‘good’, and ‘bad’ social behaviors.

    It is only through a general public subscription to such higher scriptural principles that the public may be reasonably expected to commit fewer murders, and other heinous crimes than those people who do not.

    Consequently, any society that is truly interested in reducing the number of: rapes, murders, and other heinous crimes (especially against children) would be well advised to prescribe public lessons in, both, biblical morality and higher social ethics rather than to allow its citizens to remain morally ignorant, and wanting in SELF-DISCIPLINE and an acquired sympathetic ‘heart

    It makes no sense for government to attempt to gather up all of the truly useful and effective firearms; and, therein, abridge the general population’s formerly God-given and naturally inherent right of SELF-DEFENSE when what is really lacking is a well-defined and widely encouraged social conscience—a biblically trained and benevolently disposed popular ‘heart’. Here, let me spell it out:

    Jesus said unto him,Thou shalt love The Lord Thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.’ ‘This is the first and great commandment; and the second is like unto it,’ ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’ ‘On these two commandments rest all of God’s Sacred Law, and all of the teachings of all of the prophets.(Matthew 22:35-40)

    And, here, all along you thought that this isn’t really the devil’s world; and there is no hell. Surprise! :eek:


    1. Hartmann, Margaret. “How Australia And Britain Tackled Gun Violence” Intelligencer, 2 October 2015. How Australia and Britain Tackled Gun Violence. Accessed 3 April 2018.

    2. Barnett, David. “Firearms Act: Twenty Years On, Has It Made A Difference?” Independent, 16 December 2017. Firearms Act: Twenty years on, has it made a difference?. Accessed 3 April 2018.

    3. Kopel, David B. “Britain’s Failed Weapons-Control Laws Show Why The Second Amendment Matters!” National Review, 28 August 2018. Britain’s Failed Weapons-Control Laws: Curbing Self-Defense Rights a Slippery Slope | National Review. Accessed 24 February 2019.

    4. Horto, Alex. “How Did Arms Bought By U.S. End Up In The Hands Of Isis?” The Seattle Times, 14 December 2017. How did arms bought by U.S. end up in the hands of ISIS?. Accessed 3 April 2018.

    5. Turbeville, Brandon. “MSM Whitewash Admits US Funds ISIS But There Is Much More To The Story.” The Italian News Journal ‘Vietato Parlare’ (Forbidden To Speak), Volume 7, 16 December 2017. MSM Whitewash Admits US Funds ISIS But There Is Much More To The Story. Accessed 3 April 2018.

    6. O’Connor, Tom. “How Isis Got Weapons From The U.S. And Used Them To Take Iraq And Syria.” Newsweek, 12/14/17. How ISIS got weapons from U.S. and used them to take Iraq and Syria. Accessed 3 April 2018.

    7. “God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed?” Thomas Jefferson, Letter To William Smith Of 3 November, 1787. Library Of Congress, Manuscript Division, & American History From Revolution To Reconstruction. To William S. Smith Paris, Nov. 13, 1787 < The Letters of Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826 < Thomas Jefferson < Presidents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond. Accessed 3 April 2018.

    8. “A republic, if you can keep it!” A retort made by Benjamin Franklin to an inquisitive group of patriots as he walked out of Independence Hall at the close of the 1787 Constitutional Convention. Dr. Franklin was asked, “What have you given us, a republic or a monarchy?” and, thus, he replied . . . all the while knowing, I suspect, full well that they could not. ‘Bartleby.com, Great Books Online’ 1593. Benjamin Franklin (1706-90). Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989 Accessed 24 February 2019.

    9. “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all of our righteousness is as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.” The King James Version Of The Holy Bible, 1611. Isaiah 64:6.

    10. “What then? Are we better than they? No, in no wise; for we have before proved both Jews, and Gentiles that they are all under sin.” “As it is written: There is none righteous, no, not one! ” The King James Version Of The Holy Bible, 1611. Romans. 3:9-10; Ecclesiastes. 7:20.

    11. “But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against The Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out.” The King James Version Of The Holy Bible, 1611. Numbers 32:23; Job 18:5-21.

    12. Enos, Richard. “The Cremation of Dull Care” Collective Evolution-Consciousness, 6 July 2018. Why Do The Elites Participate In Child Sacrifice At Bohemian Grove?. Accessed 24 February 2019.

    13. Gregory, Sean. “The ‘Shocking’ Law That Protects Gunmakers After Mass Shootings Like Las Vegas.” Time Magazine, 3 October 2017. The 'Shocking' Law That Protects Gunmakers After Shootings Like Las Vegas. Accessed 24 February 2019.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2019
    ochit, Ura-Ki, Sapper John and 5 others like this.
  2. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    well said and the accountability needs to start at the top. This means we have to demand that our leaders live up to our standards and pay for their transgressions. Until that happens there will be no change. When we dont hold each other accountable, no one is accountable.
    Ura-Ki, Sapper John and tacmotusn like this.
  3. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    God did not out law weapons ,
    God addressed behavioral issues .
    Ura-Ki, Sapper John and tacmotusn like this.
  4. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    It's about evil and not about guns. Always has been. We have the natural God given right to protect ourselves because of evil. When every military can disarm and every law enforcement agency can disarm I will consider disarming.

    Minor note Cho Seung-Hui used a pistol at Virginia Tech not an AR-15. Also note that the largest school massacre in the US was done with explosives. Evil doesn't care what tool it uses.
    oldawg, Ura-Ki, Tully Mars and 3 others like this.
  5. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    John 18:10 Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant's name was Malchus.) 11“Put your sword back in its sheath!” Jesus said to Peter. “Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given Me?”…
    Christians are not door mats there are parameters but far from pathetic or weak David was a great warrior and committed grave sins but, called on God for forgiveness and it was said he was one after God's own heart.

    I have no Idea where left wing snow flakes get this misunderstanding of Christians but, there are all kinds all nations tongues and colors races creeds from all walks of life even a lot of ex Muslims ,Jews, gays straits, virgins, monogamous couples, swingers, evolutionists even satanists drunks drug addicts, prostitutes cons bankers lawyers and yes Indian Chiefs.
    We love them all they are brothers sisters, children of our loving most high God and everyone is welcome just leave your sins behind but, if you falter or stumble Jesus is willing to forgive as soon as we ask it of him. No sin is unforgivable except refusing Jesus is the eternal risen son of God Saviour -- your personal savior.
    Psalm 103:12 King James Version (KJV) As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
    Christians are sure not perfect but I know I am not a racist or phobic all that claim Christ walk the walk I am told to love including those that are not Christians, I can resist evil and protect my family with weapons if I must.
  6. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    What God taught me, concerning all things, including guns .
    Dad sends you to the store to buy a box of nails and you being the son anxious to please do just that ,and you assume the project you see at hand is one the nails apply to.
    So in your exuberance begin the project .
    But running around doing all this on your own, and not consulted with dad to know what the nails were actually intended for.
    Little to your knowledge a storm was brewing and action was needed to board up the windows .
    Often times Christians have a piece of information and run with it not having Gods direct instruction to do so. Jesus provided the Holy Spirit for His "desperate to be obedient" believers so they can use their resources, see things, take action, from God's perspective .
    No doubt Jesus instructed his disciples to get swords ,but in this instance it was for defensive actions, only if it is necessary.
    Peter must have been skilled with a sword anxious to prove himself ran ahead of things.
    Interesting to note, Jesus healed the servant's ear .No doubt this had an effect on that person and those observing it.
    Having skills and tools is one thing ,having the Lordship of Christ in ones life is another.
    Knowing all the scriptures and all the philosophies of man is not equivalent to being obedient to God first hand. Only Jesus makes that possible.
    From an eternal perspective ,
    If my actions are self generated, God had no influence no matter how I reason it .
    Jesus Lordship matters . Matthew 7;21
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