My wife picked this up for me a very nice knife and solid, razor sharp not a bad price at around $30.00 on Amazon. Would work very good as a pack knife allso make a wonderful defense weapon. Technical Details The Bush Hog is Now Named OUTBACK !! No Difference in Product Just Simply Re-Named !! <HR class=bucketDivider SIZE=1 noShade>Product Description ATTRIBUTES Blade Detail: Plain Blade Length (inches): 12.00 Blade Material: 440C Black Carry System: Nylon Sheath/Lanyard Handle Material: Rubber Black Overall Length (inches): 17.35
The real question is: Does this Blade have a Hollow Ground Tempered Edge, like the original Kukuri from Nepal?
I think alphadog's is more of a machete thickness. My kukri has a convex grind, I have never seen them hollow ground. Guess I need to do more research. The one I have is the standard issue one that the British Army issues to their ghurkas. I know most also bring their own style from home, but all I have is the standard stores one. It is useful, but not my favorite blade style. Probably because I haven't figured out how to master it. I tend to use machete or axe for my chopping. I suspect I would like the thinner machete thickness kukri over the thick one I have, It is over 1/4 inch thick even though I think they maker was shooting for 1/4 inch.
Kukris are weight forwards or the mass is further out. This adds force to the blow but makes it difficult to change directions. As a result the kukri is difficult to master for defense.