About those ads on TV

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DKR, Jan 16, 2021.

  1. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    (Medicare Coverage Helpline | Truth In Advertising)
    In addition, since the publication of this article, there have been at least two notable changes to the text that appears on screen at the end of commercials. First, instead of saying “Don’t Delay, Get The Benefits You Deserve,” the call to action above a large paragraph of fine print that would require viewers to pause their television to read in full now says, “Don’t Delay, Get What You Deserve.” (Emphases added.) Second, in the paragraph of mouse print the company no longer says that it sells your phone number to a licensed insurance agent but rather that your call is “directed” to a licensed insurance agent. However, the sentence before describes the Medicare Coverage Helpline as a “for-profit lead generation campaign.” So you can do the math.

    6/13/19: TogetherHealth has been acquired by a company called Health Insurance Innovations that is currently facing at least two class-action lawsuits over its alleged role in a health insurance scam that bilked millions of dollars from consumers and that the FTC shut down in the fall of 2018.
    More of these at
    Truth in Advertising, Inc. (TINA.org)
    is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Madison, CT, whose mission is to be the go-to online resource dedicated to empowering consumers to protect themselves and one another against false advertising and deceptive marketing. We aim to achieve our mission through investigative journalism, education, advocacy, and the promotion of truth in advertising. We are independently funded and do not accept any advertising dollars to support our work.

    TINA.org received its initial funding from Seedlings Foundation, which supports programs that nourish the physical and mental health of children and families, and fosters an educated and engaged citizenship.

    Seedlings Foundation
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