hell, it's only a bunch of zeros. How bad can it possibly be. it's not like gas is 15x more expensive than in 1973 or milk or bread eggs cheese sugar flour tires batteries cars frick, never mind I'm going back to my ignorant bliss. I like it better that way.
Only a fool would think the the USA goobernment debt will ever be repaid. Anyon remember the "Pyrimid Scemes" you buy in for a thousnd $ and exit out with 16k if people keep putting a thousand. Never did it and everyone I know that did lost their axx.
If there is away out of what is coming I haven't heard of it or read about it .They have the country in to deep and there is a hole in the boat !!!
Actually Greece might be better off in the long run, now comparison on the size of the econominies but greece will gon down first therefore comeback first. I dont see anyway to pay back the currrent us debt and at some point in time the ability to borrow will end.
It is the devalued FRN. If you convert to Gold things still cost about the same. Not that it helps unless you hold gold speci / bullion, but people seem to miss the point that the Fed it fiating out currency into a 1920's wiremire republic mess. Thad
What about all the unfunded future liabilities? Add those to your numbers. We just cook the books to buy time