Achievements, Accomplishments and Participation Trophies (or worse)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DarkLight, Jan 29, 2017.

  1. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    Never was big on publicity really. The music teacher when I was in 7th grade was teaching me piano, said I was a natural and wanted me to do some event with the other piano player. That kinda killed my interest in pursuing music, didn't wanna be a puppet for the masses. Of course if my books ever take off, I'm sure I'll get bothered, but I'll deal with that when it becomes an issue...I become popular enough for that, I'll be earning enough to have a real nice security/self-defense setup here is how I look at it.
    techsar, sec_monkey and chelloveck like this.
  2. 10brokenpromises

    10brokenpromises Monkey++

    Interesting that you would accuse someone of snow flakery when all they did was decide not to be able to see anything you post. Even more telling is that you did it in a forum, place and manner that he is likely to never see, because he just said he has you on ignore. He didn't protest, he didn't rant, he didn't rave, he didn't vandalize, he didn't riot. He didn't put a safety pin on his avatar, he didn't say he needed a safe space where everyone would validate his feelings and if you check it, he commented to someone else, likely because he saw that there was a message posted by someone he didn't see, and there was a break in the conversation and @BTPost called out the fact that it was you.

    In fact, none of the behavior that you would normally call someone out for "snow flakery" applies here from @DarkLight. He didn't belittle you, he didn't attack you, he didn't demand that you change your ways to match his, again no riot or protest.

    If I, @DarkLight or anyone else, chooses to not listen to NPR or CNN or BBC or Fox, because I don't trust them or I think they are reporting untruths or I think they are just stirring the pot and trying to cause trouble, am I a snowflake? Really? Because I choose to remove an irritant from my life? If I don't want to shop at WalMart because I don't agree with their business practices, but that's all I do, simply don't shop there, am I a snowflake? If I choose to use Bing for my searches instead of Google because I don't want them to gather information about me, am I a snowflake? Again, not rioting in the street, not sending threatening letters. I'm not demanding they change, I'm not even going so far as to boycott them, I'm just going about my business and choosing, quietly, unassumingly and without fanfare, and without them in my life.

    If @DarkLight decided that he disagrees with you strongly enough, or that you are more of a pot stirrer than contributor (I have no idea, I'm making assumptions here) or that your stance and posts are not conducive to his general well-being, and furthermore that he does NOT demand that you change, protest against you, lobby to get you replaced by someone he likes more, even though there's really no precedent for that (parallel anyone?), he's a snow flake and exhibiting snow flakery behavior? He simply chose to block your posts.

    Interestingly, you on the other hand dropped almost immediately into an ad-hominem attack of his character or at least his motives, in a decidedly snow-flakery move. If not directly, absolutely indirectly. Ignore equals or is likely to equal snow flakery. That's, just, wow. The leap of "logic" there is impressive. "You don't agree with me, so you decide to simply not engage in the least possibly offensive and intrusive way possible, so you must be a snow flake." Did I get that right? Just checking because if so, that is, seriously, that is some kind of fantastic!

    If there's any snow flakery going on here I would say that the behavior is yours @chelloveck, you appear to have gotten butt hurt when someone actually said out loud what you might possibly have been thinking already. That they were ignoring you. Attacking him, quite literally behind his back, knowing full well that he won't see or respond. And even if that isn't snow flake behavior, it's a douche move.

    And to be clear, I'm not attacking you, and I'm not accusing you of anything, questioning at most in the previous paragraph, but I have the balls to admit it publicly. I am pointing out your actual behavior and my interpretation of said behavior. I'm not rioting, but I am calling you out for what I see as a bit of hypocrisy on your part. I'm not demanding you change, but I am expressing my disappointment in your behavior, as I am allowed to do. I am not calling for your removal, I'm simply saying what others might also say if they didn't have you on ignore as well.
    Ganado and Motomom34 like this.
  3. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    Nuka-Love yall :)

    chelloveck likes this.
  4. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    HAHAHA, I'm laughing so hard right now I'm crying. I got called a snow flake? PFFTTT, it's a good thing I'm not drinking coffee. I keep trying to decide if I need to "Show Ignored Content" or not.

    @10brokenpromises - you only gotta call me into a thread via @ in a post once. You can just say my name without the @ after that, promise.

    Interesting points on the whole point of view making certain behavior "flake like".
    BTPost likes this.
  5. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    My first video game was actually on my PC .Carnivores 2 . hunting dinosaurs .
    Being a hunter I loved it, but being conservative ( only hunt for food) and an animal lover felt guilty killing dinosaurs for a trophy , BUT at the same time i was being eaten by those that caught me .
    I got so into this game, that the feeling of being caught was similar to the feeling of the cop's red light in your rear view mirror .
    There were other interesting aspects of the game that intrigued me, need less to say one of my favorites.
    The game is old but it actually plays on my laptop windows 10.
    Much like a war you must dehumanize the enemy ,I had to reason that these creatures were robots nothing more , but it still took over 10 years to finally not feel that feeing of being captured when it happens.
    Yes I still enjoy the game these critters do not run a predictable course, and oft times I feed the animals more then hunt successfully. That's why it has maintained my interest.
    I see games as a test of character . lots of decision making, and no time to ponder the consequences ,much like that moment in a dream state that you first realize you dreaming and begin to manipulate it .
    As for addiction ,I don't think so .
    That game set dormant a few years and I had other things to do . I merely use it when it's at the end of the day and there are no movies that interest me at the moment.
    I might play it now once a week if that , but it's still fun.
  6. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Why do people 'compete"? - to show they are better at throwing a ball around?

    Why to people bankrupt themselves trying to "keep up with the Jones'"?

    I have yet to see the value of MySpace, FaceBook and all the other so-call social media. I mean really, who gives a crap that that your little precious got good grades in school? That you do is good - a parent should care about their own children. Just don't ask me to play along.

    "New car every two years to have the newest car on the block? 72 in OLED TV? The list goes on.

    I'm old and will admit to it. I see the dough folks spend to look 'younger' and wonder why.

    I just don't "get" most people - and I are one! Oh, well. If it's legal and floats your boat - have at it....
    ghrit and sec_monkey like this.
  7. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    The competitive spirit is what keeps us alive.
    The person with the better work ethic, and skill at their job ,is more likely to keep their job, when the down sizing begins.
    Competition makes people stronger and more determined to live, where as those that are sedentary loose hope easily.
    I wish there were less entertainment in sports and more participation, people would be far better in the long run.
    Speaking of doing things to improve one's self, today I am going with a friend doing black smithing classes.
    It's not that I need it , it is that there is always room for improvement .
    Do you agree?
  8. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    I won't completely disagree...but. (there's always a but,. eh?)

    "The person with the better work ethic, and skill at their job ,is more likely to keep their job, when the down sizing begins." Certainly, this is self-evident. It also doesn't require "competitive spirit" but rather, good self-discipline on both counts. Sadly, a good work ethic is becoming rare these days. A skill is acquired - in most cases - before work (a job,. position, labor) can be secured. Refining and improving that skill, to gain promotion etc - is the result of self-discipline and frankly, hard work. It may require off-the-clock study as well. Folks who lack the self-discipline to delay gratification (or a few beers with the boys) often find themselves on the street wondering what happened....

    As in "Be a self-starter, self-starters get promoted." Discipline, not competition. The eeerrr- I'll call it the drive for initiative or rather, to take the initiative is something that will help one get ahead.

    Don't go bitch to the boss about a problem unless you have also done the work to at least offer a remedy. I'm sure the boss already knows the about the problem - but may not be aware of a solution...

    Self-improvement = survival. The day you stop learn learning something new each day - is the start of your downhill run to death.

    Finally - I've met and worked with "competitive" people that could not reason their way out of a paper bag - I'm allowed to mix old saws.... The term "dumb-ass jock" comes to mind.
    sec_monkey likes this.
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