Eating ACORNS : How to Forage, Store, & Cook Acorns - YouTube High production values, easy to understand language. Focus - acorns are a vastly unused food source in the US these days.
This was a staple of the Comanche and other tribes here in Texas and other places. I have heard that each family stored up to 500 lbs or so for the winter. Some acorns have a nice nutty taste, and others a very bitter flavor. Jim
I must have over bleached mine. I tried making flour/gruel from white oaks, post oaks, live oaks, and burr oaks. Damn sad bread and depressing gruel. It may keep you alive but that led me to a lot of foraging research. Hackberries are a clear win in Texas. Thinning the gruel with them would be a win. Hackberries make a good beer, too
Got some sort of oak out back, maybe a water oak? Every year I rake up the leaves and acorns and burn these but it never fails. Acorns will roast and pop clear of the fire. These one can eat the outer part of the nut but as one gets closer to the center it gets more bitter. Roast em then scrap off the outer meat.
Acorns are one of the reasons that the Confederate forces were still fighting into 1865, never question the devotion of men who will march bare-foot and fight pitched battles on a handful of acorns or parched corn...and they did this for four years!
My god man, Never mention conscript soldiers of the south to the unknowing heathens that consider themselves experts on the civil war and how it was to free the slaves. The mere idea that the average southerner didn't want to have anything to do with the rich mans war will blow some minds.
About 30 years ago, I was an extra in Ted Turner's movie "Gettysburg" and took part in Pickett's Charge (aka Longstreet's Assault on the Union Left-Center). As we formed up the and the Sun burned away the morning fog, we could see the Stone Wall, which marked the High-Water Mark of the Confederacy, a mile away. I remember thinking, people actually believe that Lee's veterans charged that field for slaves! Those men knew what was about to happen to them, but they went across that field anyway! They went for Southern Independence, for family, for pride, for their way of life, for the men and officers around them, and for Marse Robert!
Never belittle or dismiss the cause for which a man is willing to fight, to suffer and to die for! He is not only willing to sacrifice his own safety and well being, but that of his family! You may not understand his reasoning or cause, and may disagree with or oppose it, but their devotion should be respected!