Alabama School Bus Shooting / Hostage

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Brokor, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Yeah and just a few sentences above "He was friendly and welcoming and told Davis the hole would be a storm shelter."

    So which is it, standoffish recluse or friendly and welcoming?
  2. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    Here's the entire article and my response to it from another board:

    We are attempting to be self-sufficient...this doesn't mesh with the plans of TPTB or those that control the media. It doesn't matter whether or not this guy turns out to be a "prepper" with a fully stocked underground bunker capable of surviving armageddon or not. If they can use it to make "Prepping" look bad, they will, because they are supposed to, because we're not falling in line!

    Ummm, someone needs to learn how to count. That's not many more questions, it's five (5) and one of them is assinine if you know anything about basements with a door. If the bunker is underground then the temperature is most likely a pretty constant 40-55 default. Yes this guy has some screws loose but the purpose of even a root cellar is to keep fruits and vegetables from FREEZING over the WINTER when the temp drops even LOWER and if he was prepping he would know to have some blankets there. *facepalm* No, I don't expect the MSM to actually look this stuff up.

    And there it is folks. He didn't trust the government so he had to be anti-America. He was a "survivalist type". Nevermind that he served in Vietnam. Nothing about his record there or his discharge, which was most likely honorable or they would have brought them up so they could have dragged him through the mud some more.

    Final thoughts: Wait...what? Officials have closed schools in three nearby DISTRICTS for the WEEK!?!?! BBBBBBBB!!!!! HUH? 20 children were shot dead in their classrooms in NH by a whack job and that didn't happen!

    Police aren't sharing much with the media...Good for them! Finally, someone in authority is saying Back the EFF off you damned buzzards! They also called off the press conference because there wasn't any new information and they didn't feel the need to feed the trolls. Yay. Seriously, no snark implied or intended.

    Also, kudos to the Police for stating, for the record, that they had "no reason to believe that the child was being harmed." It means that this guy doesn't have a sexual predator rap sheet or anything like that, which I'm really glad to hear. One less thing for the media to glom onto.
  3. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Only two/three appear to have any tactical bearing. Wonder where Lon is?
  4. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    Ok, so to keep the thread back on topic like brokor asked earlier (thank you -06), I have a couple different thoughts on this in addition to what's been said, although I reserve the right to repeat what's already been pointed out (because I think I do well for someone in their mid 50's...although I'm only 40).

    1) I think that the lay-person would, at first glance, think they were military by their dress. Most people don't associate any type of "fatigues" or "non-leafy camoflage" with law enforcement. Add the fact that it's ACU and again it leans more towards military than Police or law enforcement.
    2) The "hardware" looks scary. Evil Black Rifles are military weapons and weapons of war, or at least that's what the typical person is supposed to think and what they are being told time and time again.

    1) Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy (but see below). No military unit I have ever seen (no, I'm not prior military but I have been on many bases and been around a lot of military) has ever conducted itself in such a manner when arriving, departing or even conducting training exercises.
    2) Unless they were MPs, I don't recall ever seeing military with RIOT gear.
    3) Not so much sloppy but "mis-matched" gear.
    4) Lack of tactical awareness.

    Now, to be fair, we have NO idea where this picture was taken. For all we know, it could have been half a klick or more from this guys house/neighborhood and outside of the already secured area and they are the relief crew. They could be on their way out of the secured area after having been on duty. They could have already taken off some of their gear. We're being a little unfair (me included in the sloppy, sloppy, sloppy comment) in our assessment based on a single picture of unknown origin.

    As for the Coke can? Maybe he had it in his thich pocket and again, he just got off duty?

    Lastly? To me...based soletly on the picture, they look like the Po-po but that's based on the 4 items I outlined under police.
  5. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    The helmets are not military but police riot gear. Appears two have on Hytech boots and the rest desert tans.
  6. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Did any of those Yahoos in the Picture, ever check the Garbage Can for ________? I wonder, but bet, they did NOT.... ....
    but, but they sure Look SCARY......
  7. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    They will learn---if they live long enough.
    VisuTrac likes this.
  8. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Oh Yea, and why do they not just flood the "Bunker" with a Sleep Agent, and then crawl down and arrest the NutJob..... I mean Really.... This isn't Rocket Science.... Nitrous Oxide shouldn't be to had to come by, Every Dentist in the area, will have a tank, or two..... Oh Yea, this is a local Sheriff, who has all the TactiCool Gear, but hasn't ever had a Tactical situation, in his career....
    kellory, VisuTrac and Brokor like this.
  9. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    BT, that was actually my first thought when I read that there was a PVC pipe that they were talking through to him and that they used to send coloring books and crayons and the boy's medicine in via. Wait until the middle of the night when they would normally be asleep and then flood it with sleeping gas. Not enough to kill either and obviously be careful not to harm the boy but enough to thoroughly knock them out and then go in and take him down.
  10. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Because if something were to happen to the kid due to the gas, whether the gas itself caused the problem or Mr Nutjob got wise to it and did something, they'd have a lawsuit on their hands. Pretty much guarantee the city attorney is on speed dial on this one.

    "My aspergers/ADD child is now calm and engaging because you poisoned him with laughing gas!!"

    Hey, it could happen.
  11. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    Obviously it would have to be with
    Point, and I would like to think it would be with parental consent and the parents would be sequestered after it was brought up, regardless of what the decision was so that they didn't leak to the press.

    He's in danger now, right now, regardless of whether or not he's been harmed yet.
  12. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    It's not even July yet...and people are going crazy !
  13. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    You don't think being constantly labelled a terrorist and racist while our Republic is being looted and our grand-children indentured, has any impact on the amount of craziness that is being blasted all over the media?
    Some folks are wound a little tighter than others and some just have too many screws loose to begin with. Paint it black.
    oldawg and Brokor like this.
  14. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    The point I was originally making, was that the police serve military roles whether or not we can identify them as military or police. The people have become the enemy, treated like they were crazy, unstable loonies who are no better than prison inmates. The police can show up in full combat attire, armed to the teeth and kill anybody and only receive a paid vacation for their mistakes. This is my point. It's been a long road to arrive at this juncture, but here we are nonetheless.

    Georgia_Boy and VisuTrac like this.
  15. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Folks, this may seem way out in "left field" but IMO God has removed His hand of blessings on the US. We have killed 55 million unborn babies in the past few years, labeled homosexuality an alternate lifestyle(remember Sodomm/Gom), and now Navy Chaplins cannot use the name of Jesus in their "sermons".
  16. scrapman21009

    scrapman21009 Chupacabra Hunter

    Did anyone else notice is says STATE TROOPER on their vest?, kinda settles it for me
  17. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Nice idea, if it works fast enough. If not .......Euphoria with a gun, and a reduced sensation of pain could lead to worse judgement, backed up with a feeling of being bulletproof. Not a good idea.:(
    Euphoric effect

    In rats, N2O stimulates the mesolimbic reward pathway via inducing dopamine release and activating dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens, presumably through antagonization of NMDA receptors localized in the system.[52][53][54][55] This action has been implicated in its euphoric effects, and notably, appears to augment its analgesic properties as well.[52][53][54][55]"
  18. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Anybody remember the Nord-Ost hostage situation in Moscow , what maybe a decade ago? Yeah, Lots of hostages died. Gassing is not really a good plan if you want to save the hostages.
  19. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    Do I need another cup of coffee, or is the bus in the photo accompanying this article floating above the ground?

    Alabama Hostage Standoff Enters Day 5
    Police still talking to Jimmy Lee Dykes through pipe in bunker


    (Newser) – Day five of the Alabama hostage situation arrives with little news: Police are still talking with 65-year-old Jimmy Lee Dykes through a PVC pipe connected to his underground bunker, and Dykes is still refusing to leave or free the 5-year-old boy he abducted, reports About the only tangible developments: Police released a photo of Dykes and towed away the school bus whose driver was fatally shot Tuesday morning while trying to protect his charges.
    "I believe he wants to rant and rave about politics and government," one neighbor tells AP of Dykes. "He's very concerned about his property. He doesn't want his stuff messed with." Residents of Midland City are holding nightly vigils, and a local lawmaker who visited the boy's mother says she is "hanging by a thread." The child is said to have Asperger's.

    embed2. 919941-6-20130202063928.
  20. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Yep, you need another cuppa to see that it's on a tow truck hook.
    Brokor, tulianr and chelloveck like this.
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