I often get mail from the NRA, I wanna join. I want to get my Concelled Weapons Permit, but dont. I want to get my full auto permit, but again dont. I just dont like the idea of my name being in all those databases. I get the thought that if they ever took away the 2nd amendment, or if a police state insued, foreign occupation etc... The first thing that they would do is search this database and start rounding up us "trouble makers" As far as Uncle Sam goes I was in the military so my names already in a hundred databases, but in a SHTF scenerio I'd like to have as low of a profile as possible. What do y'all think?
Let's see, became a life member of the NRA 11 years ago, have FA and a CCW. CC&R too! No one bugs me but it does get hard to hear the TV with all the black helicopters buzzing the house. I think you guys are nuts, mostly. If you think you are somehow hiding from the .gov now you are very much mistaken. Pay taxes? SS? Buy guns? Have a job? You can live in fear your whole life like alot of these yahoos but I'll tell ya - it's much more fun to own that stuff than to worry about the sky falling.
Yep. Agreed. My Privacy rants and raves are my trying to keep myself out of private consumer databases. I have never had any illusion that I could 'hide' from the .gov. In fact, Uncle Sam and Auntie Tennessee are the only ones that get my real info when I fill out thier forms. As for being on a list for future hassle if they ever ban all guns? Doesn't really matter at that point. I had to give up no more info for my Suppressors than for my library card; and thee days, either one can get you noticed.