An Interesting Graphic on Firearms around the world

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by RightHand, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

    Yep I use a 30 round clip in CMP when doing off hand. You are allowed to bait the game in your state?
  2. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Hog hunt much? Many places, hogs are considered a "nuisance," rather than game.
  3. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

    I have never hog hunted. In my state it is illegal to bait game. Why was the 30 round clip part highlighted?
  4. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Yes, We can bait deer and hog's, However when i invest about 2 k in a lease per year and the lil'piggie's show up..The deer move out...
    Hench my spray and pray tactic's on the lil'oinker's...
  5. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

    I can understand that!
  6. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Because there are no 30 round clips . . . magazines, yes.

    Like I said previously, wild hogs are not generally considered "game." In your state:

  7. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    If you register as a member of either the Socialist faction ("Democrats") or the Corporatist/Fascist faction ("Republicans") of the Statist Party and make noises like the following signaling an agreement that the government gets to decide who can have what for what reason and making a judgement of "need", I am not sure how you can be surprised that you will be perceived as a statist.

    "I know most of you wont agree with me on this but I do think that sales could be handled better. I also don't see the need for high capacity magazines. 30 rounds a mag is enough for me. If we ever really needed anything more than that we have bigger problems than worrying about having 100 round magazines."

    Why is there a need for a governmental body to "handle" sales at all? Why should one need to justify (either to you or to a government agency) their "need" for any kind of weapon or accessory? Is "...shall not be infringed" hiding some caveat that the founders merely forgot to put in words? In my reading of the many documents of the time, including pretty much the entire collection of Federalist papers documenting debate, I have most certainly found no such exception.

    As a Libertarian/Constitutionalist (really a redundancy, as the U.S. Constitution is a highly libertarian document) I really don't care to which faction you belong...or about your religious beliefs for that matter. After a full career as a federal law enforcement officer and administrator who has watched the incredible growth of government over the past 50 years (and I believe it was far too large when the "growth spurt" began), I know for a fact that the solution to the problem is not, as both branches of the Statist Party agree, allowing them to have power over more of citizens' lives and choices...whether it is in regard to weapons/accessories, mental health or even how children are educated.

    PS...If you would like to look back at the post of mine to which you first responded, you may note that I did not say you are a Democrat so you must want to outlaw guns or any such inanity...I merely stated that your seeming (from your post to which I responded) acceptance of and/or agreement with the idea that we should demonstrate "why we need" high capacity mags) would fit right in with the Democrats and that you might wish to join if you hadn't.
    CATO likes this.
  8. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    tulianr likes this.
  9. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    446 school age children were shot in Chicago in 2012, the City with the "strongest" gun laws in the US.
    TheEconomist and tulianr like this.
  10. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    Those guys in Brazil are BUSY! So few people with guns; yet they kill three times the people we do here. Lazy Americans... /sarcasm off
    tulianr and Quigley_Sharps like this.
  11. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

  12. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    I keep hearing from my lib acquaintances that the U.S. is different than every other country and that we should be more in line with them. I show them the graphic: "La, la, la, la, la, la" with hand over ears and they keep repeating that we need a ban on assault weapons.

    Then, I ask: "During the 10 year Assault Weapons ban we ALREADY had, did crime (with guns) go down in a noticeable way? No. Did crime go UP when the ban was lifted? Was the streets awash with the blood of victims of machine guns? No. So, why will it be different this time?" Always crickets.

    "Since we're talking effective laws, did the Brady Bill have any effect? Nope . . . sorry, but, it made you FEEL better didn't it?"

    Study Shows Brady Bill Had No Impact on Gun Homicides
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