I saw the link on Gold is Money and decided to join up. Looks like a good bunch of people here so I thought I would contribute a bit.
You might even become one of us ol' mean and nasty transplants from trolldom. WELCOME aboard. Clay, we look forward to some good stuff from you.
You still buying Clay? Just received a box of C Maple Leafs yesterday and waiting on another bag of 90% from APMEX. Fun FUn Fun
I've been buying coins since I was a young kid. I don't really like to get too caught up in the day to day price of PM's. Some of the stuff I bought a few years back is worth 3 times now, so watching it go up and down a few cents doesn't mean too much to me. I just really like silver for post-SHTF barter, and the potential profit of it pre-SHTF. I think it's one of the best investments you can make besides food and guns/ammo. You have to have that stuff to live, but when things calm down a bit PM's are going to be where its at. I might start looking for jewelry at this point, because it is starting to look more valuable to me. I really think that things that provide comfort post-SHTF are going to be worth their weight in gold. Booze, movies, music and jewelry for the wife/girlfriend are all things that come to mind.
Ok, if this is to much of a hyjack feel free to move it but that gave me an interesting thought. Especialy if one lived in an area sparsely enouph populated that it would not be likely to be a total war zone like the cities but to where plenty of folks could get to your place in an hour or 2 and you had a sustainable means of generating your own power then a projector that you can hook to a VCR or DVD player(not sure what they are called but have seen them and you can use them to show movies on a wall and stuff), a fair sized barn and a good collection of movies could allow one to do quite well for them selves post SHTF if power went away long term once things settled down a bit. The worse things get the more folks tend to be willing to give for a bit of escape time or diversion so they can forget about their lives for a while. So if you were the only one around that could still show movies and you projected them on the wall of a barn or something I could see it being very sucessful. Just another thought of something that could be valuable as barter post SHTF in my opinion.
It's a good idea, but I tend to think along the lines of NOT keeping people around my house post-SHTF. Get what you need and get them out. But that may just be my anti-social side coming out.
I agree, I am sure that I will have friends and family over though, just like during the hurricane, none of them are prepared, but they know I am. Needless to say I am still trying to get back to pre-Rita levels. Not there yet though.
Yeah it would definatly need to be an area quardened off and clearly marked not to go out of bounds. I was mostly thinking like in a rural area where you tend to already know everyone within 10 or 20 miles at least and that it would be serveing those neighbors, could have the bonus that if anyone was trying to attack your area all the locals would be pissed since it would ruin their movie theater. lol It would definatly depend on the climate of the local folks.
If that would work for you I think it's a great idea. Probably going to be a while after any SHTF event though, and at that point making electricity may be difficult. But if you can figure that out, it would be a good way to make some money or whatever.
Yeah it would have to be solar or something since it wouldnt be likely to be even viable for the first few months and then it would depend a LOT on the folks in the area. Was just a thought of something that would become super scarce and probably even more in demand.
Not a bad idea for barter purposes, but being a bit paranoid when it comes to crowds and people in large groups, I think I would set up the "theatre" someplace a ways off from my hidey hole. Vetted guests only, that is to say only those I'd already done business with and found honest in the barter market.
Oh would definatly need to be seperate from the house and storage and just close enouph to be able to keep an eye on it from the house and such.