Another thing to add to my resume'

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by CATO, Aug 21, 2011.

  1. Buckskin

    Buckskin Monkey+

    I have been on the list since that whole deal with the Department of Homeland Security and BOJ came out with their list of domestic terrorist identifiers right after Obama came into office.

    I have the coffee pot ready for when the "suits" park across the street.
  2. Sapper John

    Sapper John Analog Monkey in a Digital World

    chellovick...thanks for your nonsensical socialist viewpoint.
    Have you noticed that your political viewpoints go over like a lead balloon on this forum?[loco]
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    We need the counterpoint, says me and maybe me only. [aiw]
    tulianr and BTPost like this.
  4. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    So yer saying He like our Pet Socialistic Liberal? [cmfrt]

    Down Boy Down!!! [beat]
  5. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    I appreciate a good counterpoint also. In fact, the range of viewpoints on this forum was one of the main reasons that I wished to join. I don't have to agree with every single thing that someone says to appreciate their comment, and to appreciate the amount of thought put into their comment. I'd rather have someone intelligently disagree with me than to ignorantly support me.

    I also agree with Chelloveck, in that the perception exists amongst many non-Tea Party members, that the Tea Party intends to exert a disproportionate amount of influence at a national level by riding in on the Republican Party, and playing the role of king-maker or spoiler. I'm not saying that each and every person who considers himself a Tea Party member has this as his personal agenda. I get that the Tea Party is more of a loose confederation of like minded individuals, rather than a consolidated political party; but that is not the image that many national level "Tea Party candidates" wish to convey to the voting public through the use of the media.
    chelloveck and mysterymet like this.
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