Resource Antennas 1.0

antenna theory and application, download version 2.0, this version is bad.

  1. mechstdr

    mechstdr patriotic grease monkey

    mechstdr submitted a new resource:

    Antennas - antenna theory and application

    Read more about this resource...
  2. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    it may be me, but I'm getting a download of an icon, not a document
    Homer Simpson and mechstdr like this.
  3. mechstdr

    mechstdr patriotic grease monkey

    sorry, i honestly don't know what happened, i've reposted the file as 2.0, checked download by downloading file and brought it up in my Adobe app., looks good now, tell me if it's still messed up. Again sorry Idahoser.
    Idahoser likes this.
  4. mechstdr

    mechstdr patriotic grease monkey

    again sorry, the icon was an avatar of long ago, how it got there i can't figure out.
    Idahoser likes this.
  5. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    V2.0 looks gtg...
    mechstdr and Idahoser like this.
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