Cool, From the BBC Drug to protect against radiation Radiotherapy for cancer can also damage healthy cells A drug which may protect the body against damage from radiation has been developed by US scientists. It is hoped it could make radiotherapy safer for people with cancer and could also be used in the event of a "dirty bomb" or nuclear disaster. Known as CBLB502, and so far tested in animals, it switches on a biological mechanism that helps healthy cells survive blasts of radiation.The findings published in Science are set to be tested in clinical trials. Radiation kills cells by causing damage which encourages cell suicide, or apoptosis. But healthy cells may be killed alongside tumor cells in the process which is why radiologists need to target the tumor as specifically as possible. If the protective properties seen in this laboratory study can be reproduced in people with cancer, this could be an important step towards reducing side effects for people having radiotherapy Dr Joanna Owens, Cancer Research UK Researchers developed the drug after looking at how some resistant cancer cells are able to withstand radiotherapy. It works by inhibiting the protein that initiates the cell suicide programme. Studies in animals suggest CBLB502 protects healthy cells in the bone marrow and digestive tract against radiation but does not seem to protect tumour cells which remain vulnerable to treatment. Mice and monkeys injected with the drug between 45 minutes and 24 hours before being subjected to normally lethal radiation were more likely to survive or live longer than untreated animals, the researchers found. Side-effects One risk of preventing cell death is that defective cells may be allowed to survive which could then turn cancerous. However, the researchers found no sign of this happening in the laboratory tests on mice.Also, there were no apparent side effects. Protecting healthy cells against the effects of radiation may allow cancer patients to receive higher doses of radiotherapy, or longer courses of treatment. The drug may also be useful in protecting against fall out from a nuclear disaster, such as Chernobyl, or the effects of a terrorist "dirty bomb". Dr Andrei Gudkov from the Lerner Research Institute in Cleveland, Ohio, said they had set out to enable healthy cells to imitate the ability of tumour cells to avoid cell death. But they had to develop a way of making this effect temporary and reversible. "We demonstrated the drug is efficacious when injected before radiation and after radiation. "In summary, CBLB502 reduces radiation toxicity without diminishing the therapeutic anti-tumour effect of radiation and without promoting radiation-induced carcinogenicity." Dr Joanna Owens, science information officer at Cancer Research UK, said: "These are interesting results and we look forward to following the progress of CBLB502 through planned clinical trials. "If the protective properties seen in this laboratory study can be reproduced in people with cancer, this could be an important step towards reducing side effects for people having radiotherapy." BBC NEWS | Health | Drug to protect against radiation
By Jonathan Cho Posted Sunday, October 6, 2013 at 02:55pm EST Keywords: cancer, fukushima, herbs, Nuclear, protection, radiation, radioactive, supplements With the recent news that Fukushima’s nuclear situation has once more gotten out of hand, it’s important to ensure your body is nutritionally fortified to withstand as best as possible the damage done by radioactive exposure, however little or large it may be, on an on-going basis. Superfoods and fresh juice intake can accomplish this, but beyond that, it’s also important to have an arsenal of nutritional tools that can more specifically target the harmful effects of radiation when particularly heavy contact with it has been or is expected to be made. This is a list of the most powerful radiation detoxification and defense sources based primarily off the research of nutrition expert David Wolfe. While there may be other foods, herbs, and remedies that help as well, these seem to be the most impactful. Medicinal Mushrooms: Medicinal mushrooms like reishi, chaga and maitake have compounds called beta glucans that can soothe the internal burns caused by radioactive isotopes. In addition, they are proven cancer-fighters, important since the most common side effect of radiation exposure is cancer in various forms. Reishi, for example, is well-documented for its ability to increase white blood cell count and raise anti-cancer and anti-tumor activity by activating interferons and tumor-necrosis factor in the blood. Bentonite Clay: When consumed, bentonite clay can absorb and detox radiation internally, so long as the elimination channels are relatively clear, meaning so long as you can eliminate on a regular basis. Zeolites: Zeolites are similar to bentonite clay in their ability to absorb and detox radioactive substances, by locking them up until they exit the body through elimination. Zeolites are so effective that Chernobyl was initially sprayed with a foam comprising zeolites and boron (next on the list), and fortunately, zeolites are just as effective when consumed. Boron: Boron is a nutrient that works by squelching the neutrons that radioactive particles excrete once in the body. If uncontained, these neutrons can cause runaway radioactive burning, resulting in severely damaging oxidation reactions. Wolfe recommends taking 4-10mg of boron per day to help drive off this debris from nuclear contamination. Iodine: Iodine is the most touted anti-radiation substance, sold most commonly as potassium iodide, for its protective effects on the glandular system. Iodine is a halogen, like chlorine, fluorine and radioactive iodine, and when the body is saturated with iodine, it preferentially uptakes iodine instead of the harmful halogens, resulting among other benefits, a defense against the uptake of radioactive iodine. Iodine can be taken in forms other than potassium iodide, the most recommended brands being Lugol’s, Iodoral, and Nascent Iodine. The typical recommended dose of Lugol’s or Iodoral is 13-15mg per day (equivalent to a much lower dosage of Nascent Iodine). This amount is roughly what the average Japanese person consumes per day, due to the higher amount of fish and seaweed in the Japanese diet. However, if your body is not yet saturated with sufficient iodine, according to Dr. Guy Abraham, a pioneer in iodine research, it may require significantly more daily intake than that for several months to require only 13-15mg per day. To boot, 13-15mg is only recommended for normal daily use, not under the duress of radiation exposure. Abraham found that a better measurement of iodine sufficiency was marked when a person can excrete 90% of the iodine consumed within 24 hours, and for most people to reach this mark required months of iodine supplementation in the 50mg per day range, and up to 100mg per day for diabetics. In contrast to the cautionary tales often spun by the traditional Western view, only less than 5% of his patients reported any side effects like hypo- or hyperthyroidism, thyroid swelling, or allergies. A quick test to gauge the degree of your need for iodine is the iodine skin test. Take a drop of Lugol’s iodine (or equivalent), smear it on an inner portion of the arm, like the wrist, and check how much is left after an hour. If the stain is still mostly there, you might have a sufficient amount iodine saturation, but if it’s been noticeably absorbed, you’re lacking in iodine. Ginseng: Ginseng has been proven to help the body recover from the damage of radiation poisoning. One research study showed that ginseng sped the healing of irradiated subjects as measured by bone marrow, skin, internal organ, and blood cell count improvement. Fulvic Acid: Fulvic acid has the ability to fight some of the effects of radiation by facilitating the detoxification of radioactive debris from the body. Along with iodine, it’s been one of the more popular supplements used in Japan since the Fukushima crisis began. Full-Spectrum Sea Salt: Full-spectrum sea salt, particularly Himalyan and Celtic sea salt, have the ability to drive off radioactive elements. A research study on the aftermath of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings showed that people who ate saltier, and thus more mineral rich, foods, were more protected from the damage of radiation. MegaHydrate/Crystal Energy: MegaHydrate and Crystal Energy are natural antioxidants created by Dr. Patrick Flanagan. Specifically, the product is a source of negatively charged hydrogen ions connected to silica, which has the ability to drive radiation off out of the body. Asparagus Root: Asparagus root is able to protect the body from gamma radiation damage. Gamma radiation is created when radioactive particles like radioactive iodine and radioactive uranium are inhaled into the lungs, resulting in what’s called a short wave gamma radiation burst. In the immediate aftermath of the Fukushima disaster, in April 2011, the average person in Tokyo breathed in 10 radioactive particles per day, and the average person in Seattle breathed in five. Wolfe recommends taking 10 to 15 thumb-sized asparagus roots per day, and even asparagus shoots can be a good enough substitute. Astragalus: Astragalus is beneficial for the thyroid and according to Chinese medicine, strengthens the lung meridian, which is critical in protecting yourself from the effects of breathing in radioactive isotopes. Selenium: Selenium has a well-documented ability to mitigate the harm of radiation exposure, backed by research on its ability to help cancer patients survive the damaging radioactive side effects of chemotherapy. Chlorella: While a nutritional powerhouse in its own right, with a high antioxidant content for fighting radiation-induced free radical damage, chlorella has also been used to help transport radioactive particles out of the body with its unique cell wall structure, which is actually more well-known for transporting heavy metals out of the body. Aloe Vera: Aloe vera can mitigate the skin damage caused by external radiation burns, and help reduce some of the damage done internally when consumed as well. One full fillet of aloe vera for consumption is recommended. How to Protect Yourself from Nuclear Radiation
Really very interesting to know more about this anti-radiation drug. I hope lots of people are really getting good health benefits in the coming years.