Work for Mike Ruppert : HELP WANTED – COLLAPSENET (Immediate) --Chief Financial OfficerCollapseNet has an immediate opening for a Chief Financial Officer to assume immediate management of all financial and accounting operations for a closely held California “C” corporation, including processing of payments, merchant accounts payroll, banking and required regulatory and tax filings. The successful candidate will currently reside in the greater Los Angeles area and be able to start work immediately.Salary, other compensation and benefits are negotiable after interview. CollapseNet is an equal opportunity employer expecting to launch almost immediately, with a solid business plan and expectations of substantial income at launch.The successful candidate will be familiar with the works of Michael C. Ruppert and the documentary film “Collapse”(Approximately one week after launch) -- Personal Assistant to Michael C. Ruppert, CEO From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog: "AN EXTINCTION EVENT" and THE AGE OF LAWLESSNESS – WILL THE REAL FEMA PLEASE STAND UP?