IMHO It is entirely too easy to find cheating,fraud,manipulation and theft filling the news with the conclusion being certain Doom both personal and for the country at large. Are you optomistic or pessimistic about the next five years? For your family? For the country at large?
I am decidedly pessimistic about the next two or three years, until we can take some part of the Government back from the Puppetshow up there now. Hoping things will look up after that. Preparing for what I can, based on what I see on the horizon........
I'm rapidly becoming an "optimistcally pessimistic", or would that be a "pessimistically optimist"? AKA: Realist! All of the above.... Is this a multiple choice question? Will there be a test later? The answer is: "42".
I see someone added the poll Thankyou should'a done it myself... but with reading "butt loads of doom" the brains been performing poorly: I've been awfully depressed over the promise of the next fewyears...
I am a damage control specialist; I do not know how to admit defeat nor will I succumb to negative thoughts. I think optimism is a bit strong but my glass is always at least half full.