C'mon....one of you guys/gals should be able to win this (and leave them speechless) hands down. Are You Prepared? Video Contest
No way am i showing them anything. I trust the people on this site more and i don't even show much here. Jason
OPSec says, that you have your preps, but rarely, if ever, show outsiders what you have. Around here, that has always been Family Privileged Information, and not for discussion outside the Family. It is still that way, even now that the kids are all grown and gone, and have their own Preps. ..... YMMV....
I figure a few shots of the local food bank, police department, DSS and hospital should work... or a picture of a Brick and tactical wheelbarrow for hauling off the goodies should work... TACTICAL WHEELBARROW - YouTube
I think you're giving them too much credit AND there's only so much you can do/show in 60 seconds. So, if you showed them a pic of your "pantry," woodshed, and bugout bag, I don't see how that's giving away OPSEC. This looks like many pantries all across the rural areas of the U.S.; I fail to see how they would want to come and take your food, firewood, and 3 day bag. Now, if you're an idiot and show them 1,000s of rounds of ammo and your supply of knives and guns, and perimeter security they'll just think you're a loon, and most importantly, what they're after is pics of being prepared for an emergency...not TEOTWAWKI. All of these people--at this level--are commie libtards and live in a very small world.
OMG Lawnmowercide!! What did that poor 'armless lawn mower ever do to that mean and nasty tactical wheelbarrow??? Herbivores always seem to get it in the neck : S
I wasn't so much interested in the tactical wheelbarrow But the yowie poncho was pretty nifty.....garnished with some natural camouflage material, looked at, at a distance, it would be a challenge to pick out a hunter as anything but a small bush or hummock. Anything that reduces the characteristic human shape is a good thing for someone surviving in a hostile environment.