Had a fire going in the woodstove in the basement today, and built one in the fireplace upstairs tonight.....now I've got the damn place so hot, I've got the outside doors open.......dammmmmmmmmmmmmm
When we run our place from the FP when the power is out. It will get to 90 upstairs. All windows wide open when we go to bed... Then the fire dies and I wake up freezing. Same thing used to happen at our old one room hunting cabin. Wood burner had two settings, Hot as Hell or Cold as Hillary
Yup, I have 2 flu dampers on my stove to help try to regulate it and it still has that problem especialy with some woods. One thing I have found to help is keeping a big pot of water on the stove. Its still easy to get it to hot but at least if you go in the other rooms and go to bed it tends to keep some warmth longer.