When you get there, put some bondo or epoxy in that little hole. Problem fixed.
If man makes it man can break into it---and usually does. The only way to secure your items is to keep them under eye or in hand--then watch out for pick pockets--lol.
I put what I call Lil Squealer alarms on my door when I stay in hotel. When I'm in room its on, & turn on when I leave room. I put it at Ear Level. Painfully High Pitched & Loud!! Also when I'm in room, theres a doorstop put there as well.
Kind of tough to make, thankfully. I can still see common gangsta thugs wanting to get their hands on some, offering to buy them from the guys who came up with the idea.
What alarm is that? I have seen a few but didn't know you could set them as you leave. How do you get back in, is there a delay so you can turn it off?
Ajax, no delay ya just gotta be ready fer it. I got a ton of them fer $1 each. As with the sticky on back they not really reusable.