Banana Peels

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr Charbonneau, Sep 20, 2012.

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  1. I can request R&D grants for a feasible idea. That is what I'm doing. The rest is a suggested thing. The hazards of mountain fault shearing is not a mere suggestion. Ask BTPost about "the rough places plains." Mountains seldom grow from a single eruption. That is why they are layered with faults. How else do you think water forces its way upward to create a mountain spring?

    Funny. If you are older than I am, why doesn't your "diploma" read BScME like mine? Of course, I'll be 60 next year. If you are so old as I could call you "gramps" I imagine senility becomes the essence of a Greek tragedy. It just might give an old dude like you too much stress to find out just how wrong you are about someone and what they say.

    As I mentioned, I was just a bit concerned that "Tracy" came here through the link on my site. I know someone in real life who that might have been and I'd hate to think I led her into all this baloney you've tossed at me. I am building that prototype amid quite a few setbacks. I just don't know if it'll be done in time to do much of anyone except my other half and myself any good. I don't even know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there would be no flooding at this level or even at 2500 feet.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I can request R&D grants for a feasible idea. That is what I'm doing.
    Then why are you trolling for funds across so many forums?

    The rest is a suggested thing.
    The rest of what, your off the wall ideas?

    The hazards of mountain fault shearing is not a mere suggestion.
    Somebody said it was? Not me, I am not a geologist or specialist in geoscience other than tunnelling.

    Ask BTPost about "the rough places plains."
    That has what to do with your pods?

    Mountains seldom grow from a single eruption.
    Hm. Thought that was obvious for volcanic mountains. Distinctly not true for thrust originated hills like the Rockies or Appalachians.

    That is why they are layered with faults.
    Among other reasons, what's the point you are trying to make here?

    How else do you think water forces its way upward to create a mountain spring?
    And I thought you were worried about displacing sea water by melting glaciers. Sorry 'bout that, silly me. But until the supply of fresh water stops running off to the oceans, mountain springs won't float your pod, or anyone else's.

    Funny. If you are older than I am, why doesn't your "diploma" read BScME like mine?
    I didn't buy mine the same place you did. Mine is dated 1972 from a real university in Michigan. Post Naval service, so don't try to guess my age from that.

    Of course, I'll be 60 next year. If you are so old as I could call you "gramps"
    Feel free, I've been called that and way worse. And in the case of my grandkids, it's actually welcome.

    I imagine senility becomes the essence of a Greek tragedy. It just might give an old dude like you too much stress to find out just how wrong you are about someone and what they say.
    I have outlived stress, probably the least stressed individual you'll ever meet, on line or off. You have no idea and have no business drawing or implying conclusions from age.

    As I mentioned, I was just a bit concerned that "Tracy" came here through the link on my site.
    Not at all sure how she came to read this thread this time, but she's done it often over the last 6 or 7 years. A highly regarded Monkey.

    I know someone in real life who that might have been and I'd hate to think I led her into all this baloney you've tossed at me.
    Sorry, it's to laugh after the beshonka you've been spouting.

    I am building that prototype amid quite a few setbacks.
    Started your patent notebook yet?

    Why are you wasting time here when you should be out in the shop working on the prototype since you have no visible means of support? (Look up "vagrant" to detect the meaning of those last 5 words.) You are right, it'll do neither you nor anyone else any good if you don't get it done and marketed.
  3. [woot]
  4. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Just curious, do you happen to have a son who goes by the name of "Gun Kid?" Your style is reminiscent of some past humor that has kept us entertained
  5. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    biglaffThank you Righthand.
  6. I don't have any offspring. My ex got pregnant by her brother, I suspect, while we were married, made me think it was mine, thus my name on the birth cert. As for the kid? He shows many symptoms ( a parent should learn about) of schizophrenia.

    So, about this person. I have no idea. The kid with my name on his BC id paranoid and withdrawn. He fears me because my other half of 21 years now and i "intervene." We don't communicate. It is doubtful it is him. he has aflactic behavior, so pretty much devoid of emotion. I've been sterile since a prostate injury at age 16. Some women have always thought that was a babe magnet.
  7. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    I'm about as far from typical as you can get. [bateye] Yes. My answer would be different from yours.
    [LMAO]Doormat. You stated that you were looking for money on the internet, where money was to be made. I just had to ask.
    Not having seen evidence of that, I posed a simple question. [tytyty]
    Sapper John, Minuteman and RightHand like this.
  8. [ROFL]Fire on the mountain, then they all said glub, glub, glub.
    Couldn't tread 'nuff water, so they sailed 'way in a tub...

    A 95 year old dude with a BSME... As I recall it was Acme College that took out the c...

    actionis aequalis contrarium
  9. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Your posts have amused me rather than enlightened or intrigued me. Thinking back to your first introductory post, I am reminded of my favorite parable which I think is quite apt

    A tired stranger comes to the old man, sits down near him and asks the old man: “Please, tell me about the town, what kind of people live here?” The old man then said “First, tell me about your place and from where you have come.” The stranger replied, “Really, nothing to tell – it was old, dirty and a boring town. People who lived there were evil and nasty, just quarrels and scandals every day.” “Well,”-said the old man – “It is sad to tell, but here you’ll find the same. A dirty, boring town and people here is not better than in place what you just left”. The stranger then sat a little bit with the old man, ate his breakfast then he left.
    Some hours later another stranger came to this old man to ask about this town and the people who live in this town. This old man was not in a hurry to answer this question. He just asked the stranger a question back. About his place where he had come from. The stranger said “Oh, it was a wonderful place, so quiet and peaceful! And people who lived there: they were so kind and nice to me, we became such great friends and we even cried when I had to leave!” The old man replied “Don’t worry, stranger – you’ll find new friends in this town and find this town the same peaceful and quiet. Just go on in!”​
    The sun started to go down and the shepherd his sheep to go back to the town, he stopped near the old man and asked him why he gave such different answers to these two strangers.​
    “I did not lie to them.” Responded the old man.”The truth is that in each place that you visit you will find the same circumstances as the place you left. You will also find in this world, just who you are. Also that there is no way to find something different in the world. Till you change yourself. For you always bring your world with you”.​
  10. People who quote Plato often forget about the parts where Socrates is doing young boys. The Greeks seem to be the originators of the GMBLA...

    Nice little story Righthand. Unfortunately this is the 21st Century and Mother Nature has left the most massive chad hangin' the world has ever seen. The second stranger was the liar.
  11. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    Nice parable RH. I live in the second stranger's world.

    DrC - You think the second stranger a liar.[angelsad]
  12. munchy

    munchy Monkey+++

  13. Yeah. The second stranger was saying the world's all rosey. [ROFL]
  14. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Than always you will live in the first stranger's world because it is your world.
    Tracy likes this.
  15. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Dr Charbonneau : your YellowSubmarine site states:

    My read of this is not much different than those Nigerian scam e-mails. I'm assuming you have a lot of land eh? So, what do you need other people for? Oh...their money.

    Your prey is the weak're correct though, if you just get 20 people to buy into your BS, you'll have their money, and they'll fulfill their lot in this be taken advantage of from unscrupulous people.


    I recommend all Monkeys to take this guy as the scammer he is and to stop replying to his BS.
    Tracy likes this.
  16. Actually, GoodFishin', you are completely wrong. Those Nigerian scammers that show up in your email are far different. They don't spend time socializing and getting to know others. But I will say the commentary has been inspiring.

    I pulled it out of my signature to simply go back to talking about the planet and other stuff, but you, for one, aren't letting it die. I don't want you at the community and yes, I have some small pieces of rental property right now. I generally get $650 a month for an efficiency with all utilities paid. If that's scamming, just take a look at New York City or LA and see prices for less at double that.

    I simply see you as a fool and Mother Nature will likely explain that to you in the not-too-distant future. Me? I don't care anymore. I've had the care beaten out of me by cyberbullying. I have a forum too. You'd be so tough there I imagine?

    If, as BTPost seems to believe, there IS a god and a judgement day, I'd hate to be you on that day...

    Of course I haven't seen any rapture stuff going on, just tornadoes and quakes killing a lot of people. Rapture means "transport." The closest I've seen are my pods. The sign said "Mockers and vipers need not apply..."
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Un-beluckin' feevable. I guess I rated indirect honorable mention under the yellow submarine rave. Well done, charbie. (And there is still no hardware. Who's going to rent an invisible pod, no matter where it might be? I suppose asking for a look in the poke to see what the pig looks like is out of line.)
  18. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    We seem to have a problem here?
    Not sure what your after but we don't really appreciate dishonorable mention on other sites.
  19. And neither do I. Truth is truth. Mockery is Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO.) Banana peels are like aluminum cans. They can be recycled.

    What I would think are in order would be some apologies from above 1000 FAMSL. I'll have some pics of the old places up around November. The monkeys have thrown feces at a pretty decent fellow really. I don't spam anyone's email, but whenever a topic alert shows up in mine from here, 2 show up in my junkmail. Weird. Might be a redundant coincidence.

    As I said. I do what I say I will. I don't do what I say I won't. This has become bullying. Bullying is one thing nobody at jootbox appreciates.
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