Banana Peels

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr Charbonneau, Sep 20, 2012.

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  1. Pyrrhus

    Pyrrhus Monkey+++

    I tell you what I would hit "donate" for. A tacticool wheelbarrow. Absolutely the best thing a person could have when everything goes to crap. If you can design one of those, I'll pony up a few ducats. You could then roll them over for R&D on your lifeboat.

    semper fidelis (I type Latin too).
    Sapper John and oldawg like this.
  2. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    No disrespect intended but it appears as though you are quite familiar with redundancy, coincidental or otherwise.

    Survivalmonkey isn't for everyone but those of us for whom it remains a special place are quite willing to protect and defend our community. Sometimes, people join and try it on for size. Some find a comfortable village and many friends. Others don't always feel the same sense of ease and move on in search of another digital community. One size does not fit all.
  3. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Actually the "doc" kinda makes me miss gunkid. Gunkid made more sense. One thing I can say about this thread and a few others is the way we are handling ourselves.I blame it on the great amount of tension in our nation and the world also.We all know something is going to happen but not what,where,or when. It's making all of us short fused. Fools we would have just laughed off a couple of years ago get under our skin too easily now.I'm as guilty as anyone being the cantankerous old codger I am.We're preppers so lets ease the tension a bit.After SHTF there will be way more tension and anger we will need to handle.I'll try to practice it some myself. Friday almost afternoon and a colbeer calls.
  4. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    I'm quite honored...I must have hit a nerve because I don't see any reference to the other site that banned you because you suggested to put mashed potatoes in your cat's food. I'm sure they banned you for that ....... :rolleyes:

    I suggest to the mods to remove those links--that's what Dr. Charbonneau is here for, free advertising...hoping to get just a few hits--until he pays the advertisers rate.

    To the rest of you Monkeys, here's what was posted on the scammer site:

  5. Always true...

    Tacticool... something like a rickshaw with wheels like the 60's - 70's moonbuggy? Piece of cake. "roll them over?" Punny.

    Best I could say is email me and talk to me. As one South Bend LEO I made some signage for told me "I guess if you can build your own boom truck (which I did) you can build anything." By tactical, I envision low resistance to roll, large wheels (like I mentioned) for rough terrain, hooks to a harness or pushes from behind or both (2 people) a rumble seat, a fold out wind generator... anythnig else in your vision?
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I guess I need to beg the pardon of all Monkeys for dragging this out far beyond reasonable levels. I am not nearly so sorry for stirring charbie up as for that. In some ways, this pod scheme puts me in mind of the Alpha Rubicon deal, except that it is not as far along in gathering people, discipline, and money. The idea may have some sound features, but they are not obvious to me, and you can see what asking questions got me. Credit where credit is due, charbie gets props for persistence, even if it is simple fog generation, no substance beyond words. If there were a better parallel, I’d equate zero’s promises to those of charbie; first glance is the emptiness of both sets of words. Hope for either has died in me.

    I just cannot stand by and watch someone ask for money without a tiny bit more than a promise to continue thinking and sketching “designs” of something that may or may not someday be prototyped or actually built in a usable (or suitable for further development) form. I know, quite well, just how much time and effort it takes to get from the sketch, to the drafting table (or screen), tooled up and into production. The first article takes longest. I want to see the pig before buying the poke.

    So far, charbie has shown me a complete unwillingness to put skin in the game beyond words and ideas. That, to me, is not enough to get me to part with any of what few frns I have at hand. Promises of hard work don’t cut it without evidence that hard work has already been expended. If I have deflated his ego, or asked tough questions of him, it’s because seeing success rather than bilking the unwary would make me a happy camper. If, on the other hand, an effort at scamming (not saying that is charbie’s intent; I don’t think it is) has been exposed, well that’s good enough for me too. My idea of charity is to contribute to good causes, not to support anyone else’s kitchen table sketch pad or CAD program learning experience.

    Those of you that have watched me over time know that it takes a bit to stir me up. He did, and furthered that effort by taking the opportunity to bash SM on his (under construction) site. He has a thin skin, it seems, in spite of saying he’s used to getting his belly kicked. The shots he’s taken at me are of no consequence, I have a thick hide, well callused over a life time of taking hits and returning fire. The shots he’s taken at SM are unwarranted; I’m arguably owed return fire, but the site is not, it’s my heat to take (especially after stating that I was not going to act as a mod or admin in the exchange.) Thanks to RH for picking up the slack I left.

    Guit, removing the links would eliminate the rest of the world from seeing what he is touting from our (my) vantage point. He took out all but the one above, and may pull that himself at some point. (So far as of this post, his membership is intact.) In a way, I’d like it if he put a link to SM on his site so folks could come here directly and see what we are all about. (Karma is a wonderful thing, methinks.)

    RightHand, your post #4 in the pencil drawings thread is exactly what charbie needs to grasp.
    RightHand likes this.
  7. Guit,
    You're just plain old fashioned wrong. No nerve hit. Just made me realize if I charge other tenants, 650 a month, $3000 a year was TOOOOOO much of a bargain.

    I own jootbox. The other site banned me too quick to C&P all the harassing GIGO. It's cyber-bullying.

    Call me a scammer. You're the one who might be walking out with his BOB when a major quake knocks you on your pack so hard it puts something inside it right through your chest. Ever thought about that possibility?

    Scammers don't reach out like this. Only people who care and I do that a little less with every bullyrag.


    very well said. What went on here has simply told me not to waste my time with mockery. 2012 thinking is a ruse, I think. Yellowstone cracking open a good bit more in 5 or 10 years isn't.

    famous last words: "Why can't everyone just get along?"
  8. Lie! I just am not willing to do what I cannot, which is jump as your megalomaniac mind demands... softly... subtly... tyranically.

    I've shown examples. Welding, channel letters, erected signage, vary marketable airbrush work. You mock! You stir a pot to your own demise. I wouldn't take your money without so big an apology that I could truly tell you were as sincere as I am.

    Megalomania = "your way or the highway."... "you have to be right." You need a shrink... badly. If there were people who would have joined me and you drove them away and they died when they otherwise would have lived through my design, their blood would be on YOUR shouders. Not mine.

    I'm semper fidelis etiam

    Read more:
  9. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    You have chosen to come into our community and without taking the time to get to know anyone, proposed that we invest in you. Your accomplishments are vaporware so every administrator and every moderator of SurvivalMonkey has the responsibility to query your intentions. To do otherwise would put us in the same realm as so many other forums that allow their members to wander into an undertow without any warning of the potential danger.

    I don't know you, don't chose to know any more about you than you have presented but I have know ghrit for many years. He has deep footprints for many of us so by flinging insult after insult at him, you have, effectively, flung them at each of us.

    Your presence will only be tolerated if you refrain from soliciting money from our members and refrain from insulting them, any of them.
    Sapper John and BTPost like this.
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Perhaps the barriers you claim were self erected? Try the dictionary for sympathy, you'll get none from me.

    I add that if you don't like what you find here, there's a simple answer, well within your grasp.
    Sapper John and BTPost like this.
  11. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Hey Doc, as of NOW, you have been "Put on Notice" by "The Founders" of this Site.
    This action has been well discussed by the Admins, and Mods, and RH, Founder/Mod, is acting for ALL of Us, in this matter. Please take NOTICE, of the above, as you are walking a very Fine LINE...... .......
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Don't act on my account, I can handle it. However, if he steps on anyone elses toes, take off the gloves.

    charpie, relax before you stroke out. We would hate to know we caused your discomfort.

    Almost like GunKid and the tactical wheelbarrow. :lol: charpie, you might exercise your google fu on that, your ideas above are late to the game, it's been idea-ed to death years ago.
    Brokor likes this.
  13. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    In all seriousness, why isn't this thread locked already?
  14. Actually, I'd hold off on that for a bit. That well... not exactly a wheelbarrow, but that has me thinking. And yes, it is very possible someone could get knocked on their BOB and hurt badly or killed. Those pods would cost a lot. There has to be something a lesser budget can afford that will offer just as much safety.

    Just thinkin'...
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    DL, it's the fascination of watching a corpse twitch, hard to take your eyes off.
  16. I love banana peels! Makes for the best prat-falls and actually, you can dry them and smoke them and turn into a moose!
    I'll trade you some bat poop for one of those earthquake boats.
    RightHand likes this.
  17. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Bullying? And you're a Vietnam Veteran?
    I've seen bullying and this ain't it.

    A cow walks into a burger joint and starts complaining that people are eating beef.
    When the patrons don't stop chewing, he claims they are ganging up on him.

    I suppose that you and us don't fully mesh and that's just the way peoples are. The fact that this thread is open and that you weren't banned days ago speaks against your whole cyber bullying mantra. I find it in bad taste that you would post about us on your site but - hey - whatever. The words on that page of yours should give you a clue as to why people have little interest in you (not your project). You are the kind of person I tend to meet and then avoid. I'm sure your cyclic high/low mood swings aren't helping your cause. I sure wouldn't 'hit the frikkin button'.

    I bet you feel that you are the only person in the world who 'gets it'? eh?
  18. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    :>: = bipolar
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