Authorities: La. pharmacy burglar left behind pickax; deputies found him by tracing bar code | Fox News Everything now days is labeled with a bar code that says the entire history of a product, where it came from and when. Though this particular story broke a case of theft, it is a reminder that bar code tags are present and can compromise purchases that you may be concerned about at a point.. with surveillance at the level it now is now even at the smallest of for thought. What are you doing to counter this? YD
I'll be removing the barcode from every pickaxe I own. ...and everything else I buy. Gots to watch out for them pesky RFID tags too. Lil' buggers are everywhere.
thanks , Are they putting them in a lot of things now ??? besides our vehicles are they anywere we didnt ask them to be ?
Virtually everything. Yes, manufacturers and retailers do not even have to tell you that you are being tracked.
RFID tags are used for inventory control by many retailers. Look for a little rectangular plastic thingie stuck somewhere inside the packaging. It's a passive device and it needs to be close to a "reader" for it to register its location. Most are used to prevent shoplifting in retail stores
They are also in certain books, too. I recall the late 90's, early 2000's time frame, at Barnes and Noble, purchasing a book on the occult and it had a nice, paper thin, flat, square RFID tag tucked away inside the pages. They can now be installed directly in the binding or the cover and virtually undetectable. Then we have passports, ID's and debit/credit cards. And we have the vision of the future.
The grocery stores want to tag every item in the store with these RFID tags and eventually due away with most cashiers. When you walk out the front door, the reader automatically detects everything in your cart, tallies it and does a charge to your bank account.... that can't be good for the consumer since it has been found that pricing on products in stores vs what is rung up on the register is full with errors routinely and over billing is common. Once this plan goes into place you will have a harder time ensuring you have not overpaid. And just like internet use, the store can track your every purchase and identify how to direct market to you better via email offers ect. With intuitive software at some point, your every move will be tracked by methods such as these. Gas stations have been incorporating RFID's so you don't even have to swipe your card. The reader in the same manner picks up your tag on your windshield, you install that they provide, you just fuel up and it auto charges. You can do this with most purchases and with a compliant population to buy things in the manner..... the end result, we truly are a credit/debit card society with no cash in pocket- there won't be anyone to make change for you.
Home De-Pot is already offering a self scanning checkout as an alternative to standing in line with a checkout clerk. You do get a printout after you close it up after charging your card, so you stand a chance of checking the pricing as you clear out of the place. Not for me, I pull out my "too old to learn that trick" card and abuse the checkout clerks instead. (Or wait for them to come back off break.)
Impinj? Lol these control freak types are a hoot. They love to put it right out there in everybody's faces to boot.