I know we mostly talk about long term preparedness on these forums but we also should be ready for short term natural disasters like the recent snow and ice storms across the country. Living in a hurricane-likely area, I think it is common knowledge that if you know a hurricane or snow storm is coming and power may be off, you should wash all your clothes, run the dishwasher, vacuum the house and basically do everything you can quickly that requires power. I have friends that actually got caught during the snow storms in the south with a hamper of dirty clothes and no power.
Thanks for the reminder. I break my areas of preparedness into 3 blocks: Short term, Medium term and Long term. We are more likely to encounter Short term disruptions than anything else and many of us do every year. I concentrate on ways to keep my family happy and healthy during those times. My medium and long are the ones that I hit next, in that order. So many people, especially those that have just begun this idea of preparedness are focused solely on end of the world scenarios... It's not a good position to be in and they'll be stumped whenever an ice storm knocks out the power for a few days. I lost power during a freak ice storm in TN for 14 days a number of years ago and we were just fine. We actually reacquainted ourselves with some long forgotten board games played next to the fire.
One of the things we do if we expect a power outage is fill some pitchers for drinking water and the bathtubs for flushing toilets. Good short-term preps for us.
I walk out in the garage, and flip that transfer switch. It's so seamless, my wife went around resetting the blinking electric clocks during one grid outage and got me to snickering...."Whaaat ?" she asked...."Uh, you do know we're on solar now, and you'll have to do that again when the grid power comes back and I flip it back over, right ? " I got a wet dish towel in the face for my efforts....ahahaaaaa
I make sure the oil lamps and flashlights are working and the backup kerosene heater has plenty of fuel.Sometimes I make coffee and put it in the thermos.I hope before the winter is over to have a woodstove hooked up in the basement.
Short Term "Tests" Those short term weather events that pop up are great tests of how well we are prepared. The duration of them is usually brief. As you reflect upon what went well and what needed to go better, those evaluations provide a valuable "mid-course correction" for any needed adjustments to our prepping plans.
Well, about the only thing here on the short term problem list is usually when we get snowed in for a few days. I try and make sure my wife's med's are set, food, water and lots of gas for the gennies as sometimes we will not get much sun for several days when it is snowing.
If we are expecting an ice storm or another storm, we don't usually have to do much. I stock lots of water and foods that can be eaten without cooking already, so we are good there. If in the winter, we usually hang out in our master bedroom and our body heat keeps us warm (good insulation, small room). I do like to pre-salt our sidewalks as it seems to help in keeping ice from sticking too much. Also, I try to keep the driveway clear in case a hasty departure is needed.
I thought I was being overly pessimistic when I bought about 30 gallons of bottled water. Redundant in my opinion since I have a 500 gallon water tank which uses gravity to get it to the house. Then that big freeze came and froze the big tank leaving me with only bottled water to drink and flush toilets. Pats himself on back.
Old Military Adage: Two is one and One is NONE.... Up here (in the alaskan bush) we go by the wisdom, We own TWO of everything, that we use on a daily or weekly basis, with an Operational Backup for them, should that eventuality, come to pass. Just being prudent....
I keep a nominal two-month supply of water on hand in the house, a year's supply of food and about two weeks supply in the cupboards, a 20-pound propane tank and many 1-lb cannisters for the camp stove and Buddy Heater. Plenty of charcoal for the BBQ cooker too. Plenty oil for the lanterns and batteries for the LED lantern, flashlights and radio. And now the new genny means I can run the fridge every so often to keep things in it cool. Also during a long power outtage, we should eat as much as possible from the fridge/freezer, to minimise loss if the fridge fails. Keep plenty of the larger 'handi-wipes' on hand for hygiene without wasting water.