Best firearm for self-defense in Canada

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by dustintml, Apr 21, 2023.

  1. dustintml

    dustintml Monkey

    Any other Canadians on here with an opinion on the best firearm for self-defense available in Canada. My opinion is that a semi-automatic .22 rifle with a 30 round magazine would work the best. It’s the only kind of rifle you can get with a high capacity magazine in Canada. Would make quick work of taking out multiple assailants.
  2. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    What's the law now?
    I'm pretty sure they went full retard.
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Bwahahahaha, The ones they haven't banned.
    20 gauge pump or double barrel shotgun might be the only things left as long as you keep your shot size below BB in lead or T in non-toxic. Also probably need a hunting license or the crown will say you were intending to kill the person and it wasnt a hunting implement.

    I'm kidding but .. not by much.
    SB21, 3M-TA3, mechstdr and 3 others like this.
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    If ALL you can have is a .22LR now, your already screwed, but it will have to work! While FAR from being even close to ideal, it can be useful, but for a defensive use, bend over and kiss your ass goodbye, a .22 is gonna only piss off the person or persons your trying to kill, and that's only going to make your own ending much more painful!!!! At the very minimum, I would want something in 5.56/.223, with the correct ammunition, that can be quite effective and still be easy to source and feed. but if your just now getting started, your likely already PHUCKED!

    Can you still buy/own a Lever or Bolt action? If YES, then I wouldn't waste any more time here asking, and haul ass to the nearest gun shop and pick something you can get large amounts of ammo for, rat hole as much as you can and learn to shoot it as good as you can! If I was in your shoes, I would try and grab a RUGER Hawkeye Guide in .30/06 and as much ammo as I could carry in my 1 ton truck, don't complain about the cost, your already too late to get any deals, so live with it, Second choice would be a Winchester or Marlin Lever in .30/30, and third choice, any AMERICAN MADE surplus Bolt action battle rifle, with a nod to the Springfield M-1903 series, or Lee Enfield/Remington, or even the old Krag-Jorgenson in .30 U.S. or later .30/06! Lastly, I would grab a Ruger Ranch or Varmint, or a Savage Mod-111 in caliber 5.56/.223 and stack the ammo high and deep, forget caliber .22 LR, and forget Semi Auto, focus on getting something you can get in a caliber that is effective and easy to source and take as long as it takes to learn to shoot GOOD, and don't get yourself all caught up in scopes and trying to learn all that, stick with good iron sights and get good with them and that's all you need to survive and thrive!

    If you find your self in a gun fight, you have already lost that fight, and will simply die in a puddle of your own making! Get any ideas of a "Last Stand" out of your head and focus on NOT being anywhere near where the bad guys are going to come looking, and if they decide to come for you, learn to shoot and scoot, and keep them behind you and keep their heads down so you can escape and evade as long as possible, while costing them as much as you can inflict, it's ether going to lead to them giving up, or doubling down and killing you, and if the later, their going to kill you slow and painfully to get even for what you cost them, so make it really count!
    SB21, 3M-TA3, mechstdr and 3 others like this.
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Any lever-action rifle larger than 6mm, will do the job just fine… A Marlin Lever-Action Stainless in 45-70 will take down any two or four legged mammal that resides in the Americas, and be operational in any weather condition found there as well…
    3M-TA3, mechstdr, Bandit99 and 3 others like this.
  6. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Flintstone got it right for canuks, Trudeau approved bruh!

  7. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yeah, I'm with @Ura-Ki and @BTPost get a good bolt-action or lever rifle in a larger caliber that you don't have a problem purchasing ammo, 30-06, .308, 45-70 even a 30-30... A .22 just isn't going to do it. You are dealing with your survival so you need to know that if you hit that SOB he/she is going down for the long count or is no longer a threat. Henry makes some nice lever actions too.
  8. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    If you're really limited to .22 rimfire, my Keltec CMR-30 in .22 Mag is a lot better than a sharp stick.

    There's a lot of trash talk on the internet about them but mine worked great right out of the box. It does prefer the heavier teeny tiny bullets than the smaller teeny tiny options.

    I was hoping for problems because if you send one back it goes through the Keltec pro-shop and comes back super tuned in. No luck there for me.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  9. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I believe this is the current state of gun ownership laws in Canada:
    Everything You Need to Know About Canada's New Guns Laws - Criminal Lawyer Vancouver

    Recently Trudeau announced he was banning several traditional sporting rifles and shotguns. That pesky law preventing him from being an absolute dictator required actual legislation for this. It's currently dead, but gun control legislation is like a zombie movie and it never dies.
    Canada withdraws proposed measures banning certain rifles, shotguns

    Trudeau's real dad, Fidel Castro, must be spinning in his grave over this,

    The real bad thing is that Canadian gun legislation rarely grandfathers in firearms and will give you a short time period to comply. There is a permit and registration process, so they always know what you have and where you live. I'd consider avoiding the firearms that Fidel Jr. was hopped up over.

    As @Ura-Ki stated above do it now. Do not hesitate. His advice and @BTPost is golden.

    Whether you get a shotgun or not, stock up on 12 gauge shells and learn to make a slam fire shotgun as a last resort. They can be made from hardware store pipe fittings, some scrap 2x4, a dab of epoxy, and some duct tape. Lots of info out there on how to do it including a book by our own @uncle morgan You don't necessarily need to build it, but have the parts laying around in the event that SHTF happens in conjunction with disarmament.
  10. dustintml

    dustintml Monkey

    In any event that fucker is going out next election; and the incoming conservative government will reverse the gun ban. I just spoke with a local member of law enforcement and he told me that law enforcement in Canada is not going to enforce the gun confiscation. This wouldn’t stop the CFO (Chief Firearms Officer) from coming to your door and demanding your firearms, but those firearms could have always been lost or stolen. So Trudeau can fuck himself and go back to Quebec.
  11. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Repeat after me, Sorry Officer, I don't know what happened to all my guns, there was this storm, and I was in the Boat and there was this bad accident, and I'm afraid I lost them all!

    Sorry, I don't have any guns for you to take, have a nice day!
  12. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    We can only hope he gets his walking papers, but we have seen incompetent leftists time and time again get magically re-elected. Fingers crossed.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  13. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Cuba & take the Mother Hoe , leave Kyle in Canada .
    Gator 45/70, 3M-TA3 and dustintml like this.
  14. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    LOL! You are starting to sound more and more like us Yankees! LOL!!! :)

    "In any event that fucker is going out next election..."
    I would not be so sure of that... And, if he doesn't get voted out then you will probably find that you have the same problem(s) with your elections that us Americans are finding. I sure hope not but be aware these SOBs are crooks and play dirty and for keeps.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  15. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Canada is such a great place with great people it's to bad the flood of immigrants and liberals have destroyed it. Hope you can kick the leftist out and vote in conservatives.
    Zimmy, Gator 45/70 and 3M-TA3 like this.
  16. dustintml

    dustintml Monkey

    I just want the judgement of God to fall on this God forsaken earth. Many so called Christians will have severe judgement come upon them when SHTF. I’m talking people who are Christian in name only and have no sense of the judgement and severity of God. Leaders who keep on working unrighteousness will also have great fear come upon them and be forced to either humble themselves and cry out to God or just refuse and end up perishing with the ungodly. I think God already knows who will and who will not repent. Certain people have already been judged by God. They are predestined to eternal damnation. God is about to send forth his angels and sever the wicked from among the just. The time of tribulation is coming to try the hearts of those who dwell upon the earth. Many Christians will be martyred. I believe the antichrist is already among us and it is just a matter of Gods appointed time for him to be revealed. I believe that Vladimir Putin is actually an instrument of God that is going to be used to judge the wickedness within the United States. Those who have prepared themselves will be the ones who will thrive. I believe certain regions will be places of deliverance. Other regions will receive harsher judgement. I actually believe that Canada is going to be protected from all of this; Canada has already been under the corrective judgements of God. That’s why I believe we will have a new conservative government just when all of this stuff starts to happen. The United States will also come out of this in the end as a new nation established in righteousness. The kingdoms of this world are about to become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  17. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    As others have said. A good lever rifle in an appropriate calibre will work a treat. I have a couple of 94s (30/30 and 44mag) plus a Marlin 1895 in 45/70.
    Tjb61, Ura-Ki, jim2 and 2 others like this.
  18. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    ….. I think your squirrels may have run up the wrong tree on this one mate but each to their own.
    Ura-Ki, Zimmy, VisuTrac and 3 others like this.
  19. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Can't keep a good 30/30 abouts, Someone in the family is always poor-mouthing me out of one so I've quit looking for any deals?
    Ura-Ki, jim2 and sasquatch91 like this.
  20. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    I’m Stateside but have a .30-30 and a .348 Win M71, then again I’m Stateside and I might have something else if the party gets started in earnest. Really good idea on not being where the gunfight is and if you can live in a place where 400 yards is danger close all the better. Unfortunately, I’m in a situation right now where 400 FEET is long range plus I’m right in the middle of a communist stronghold - for now.
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