Neglect to usea bicycle helmet while bicycling or skating in boston and LOSE YOUR WHEELS!!!
bah, why bother. I do bike without a helmet. Some of the studies up here show that people take less risks and are given a wider berth when they do NOT wear a helmet. a helmet gives a false sense of security.
We have a law. Our locals gave away helmets. The kids won't wear them. The law enforcement does not enforce the law.
Ok, maybe I can see a law for children, but leave the adults alone. It's nobody's business wether I choose to wear a helmet or not..... or a seatbelt.
Well I dont like Seat belts, but I have seen accidents where they didnt like to use them either... If they dont keep you alive, at least they allow an open casket.
With 'ya 100% I might wear seatbelts (as I did since I was a child; I'm just used to it) but I'd be dammed to wear a bicycle helmet!
+infinity! I hate the fact that because a couple of people can't take responsibility for their own actions (or that of their kids) they want the .gov to come in and protect us all. Just like I used to, as a kid, get lots of rides in the bed of a pickup. In fact, my sister and I rode in the bed of a truck on a cross country family vacation one summer. Try that now and you'll prolly be arrested on "child endangerment charges"
I personally won't drive without using seatbelts, or ride a bike (either pedal type or MC) without a helmet. BUT.... people need to take personal responsibility for themselves. Don't make an unenforcible law, it just muddies the waters.