I stumbled on this while looking for something else. Available at the http://Bookstore.GPO.gov or phone toll free 1-866-512-1800 to order. . It never hurts to be informed as to how Big Brother is thinking. The second listing is something I also noted that some might like to have on hand, just in case. . Armed Groups: Studies in National Security, Counterterrorism, and Counterinsurgency Classic insurgents, terrorists, guerrillas, militias, police agencies, criminal organizations, mercenaries, pirates, drug cartels, apocalyptic religious extremists, orchestrated rioters and mobs, and tribal factions — all of these disparate organizations, defined as “armed groups,” can and do pose major security challenges to the United States. In Armed Groups: Studies in National Security, Counterterrorism, and Counterinsurgency , published by the U.S. Naval War College, a host of experts on the shadowy world of these groups, including Martha Crenshaw, Rachel Ehrenfeld, Steven Emerson, James J.F. Forest, Rohan Gunaratna, T.X. Hammes, Russell Howard, Montgomery McFate, and Peter W. Singer, present the latest information and analysis about: History and Armed Groups Present Context and Environment Religion as Inspiration Thinking Differently About Armed Groups The Shape of Things to Come The 32 essays in Armed Groups stem from a broad array of disciplines, ranging from such traditional areas of research as history, political science, anthropology, sociology, theology, and economics, to matters of ethics, technology, intelligence, education, the law, diplomacy, military science, and even mythology. 2008: Paper. 508 p. S/N: 008-020-01573-3 ISBN: 9781884733529 Price: $18.00 also of interest: Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook (CD-ROM) This comprehensive reference guide, designed for Special Operations Forces (SOF) medics, was developed as a primary medical information resource and field guide for the Special Operations Command (SOCOM). It defines the standard of health care delivery under adverse and general field conditions. It is organized according to symptoms, organ systems, specialty areas, operational environments and procedures. It emphasizes acute care in all its forms (including gynecology, general medicine, dentistry, poisonings, infestations, parasitic infections, acute infections, hyper and hypothermia, high altitude, aerospace, dive medicine, and sanitation.) 2010: CD-ROM S/N: 008-070-00816-5 ISBN: 9780160847448 Price: $25.00