with a load of 00 buck and #1 buck mixed 50/50 that aught to slow down a zombie advance down a properly funneled kill zone
Tac, there is not much on God's green earth that would not be slowed or downright STOPPED by that load in THAT rifle, in a properly funneled kill zone.
The Punt Gun was used in the 1700/1800 on the Eastern Shore of Maryland to hunt geese. Tied to the bow of a small boat that I believe was also called a Punt boat, this gun would take out a hundred or more geese per shot. Long since declaired illegal, the video with Tom Knapp is the first time I have ever seen one of those guns fired. Awesome.
Got me thinking about buying a small cannon that I have always wanted. Loaded with shot would give the same effect.
Just a NOTE, here... I believe that weapon is classed as "A Destructive Device" and would be an NFA Weapon... but still WAY Cool....