Blackhawk had to be there.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by duane, Feb 1, 2025.

  1. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    The crashed Blackhawk is part of the continuation of government program. It's unit is the one that you always see in the disaster movies. They have seconds to respond and to fly into the usually restricted areas and pick up the people who will hopefully survive and run the country after a surprise nuclear attack with 15 min to get to them and get them out. Go to where is still a secret to us. The Russians and Chinese probably know the codes to the entrance doors. Miley probably told them.

    You don't do the first run without practice and that must include day and night and thru the congested airspace. I guess it cuts down on the chatter but having two different types of aircraft in the same airspace and no communication as to their location doesn't seem good and then you have one person handling both channels but the two channels can't hear each other would seem to in the long run guarantee an event, I will not call it an accident as it was preventable.

    Big question is why change from runway 1 to runway 33. That set up the collision and only the tower operator at that point could prevent it.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2025
    sec_monkey, Bandit99, 4x4 and 4 others like this.
  2. 4x4

    4x4 In the Basket of Deplorables

    I have been growing very weary of this story. Everyone interviewed has just been speculating through everything. What I do know is a plane and a helicopter crashed. Everyone aboard both were killed. It was a tragic loss of life. If the was any gross errors, cutting of corners or whatever I hope it is brought into full light and disclosed. I have no doubt everyone in the chain has a very tough and strenuous job. If mistakes are made lives are lost.
    Idahoser, duane, chelloveck and 3 others like this.
  3. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    latest info points to someone allowing time for a "clean up" >>> whatever she had posted got washed from the media sites - nothing left ....

    a lesbian Biden WH insider - suddenly back flying VIP military missions around DC - that alone deserves some answers - whether she was begrudged against Trump and his current actions is another question that apparently got washed .....

    last HUGE HUGE question - did she commit suicide and take 70+ people with her?
    duane, SCUBADIVINGJOE and SB21 like this.
  4. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    One piece of info I heard, was that the helo was flying twice as high as they were supposed to be. And that's what put them in the flight path/landing pattern.
    As anyone who knows flying know, flying low and slow is the worst possible scenario to have anything bad happen. And as congested as the airspace is around Reagan International, I'm starting to think they were wrong to keep it open. Build something bigger, way outside of DC, and run some transit out to it, like a high speed rail line. Hell, I'd bet that people outside of the greater DC metropolitan area would enjoy NOT having to travel anywhere close to the beltway, to fly.
    duane, sec_monkey and SB21 like this.
  5. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    DCA, KDCA, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport needs to stay put for national security reasons. period.

    the UH-60 variant was not twice as high, a lil higher perhaps, not twice as high based on current data*.

    looks like da regional jet should not have been dere, we [dunno] why there was an apparent runway change at the last minute that put the regional jet in the path of the UH-60, we [dunno] why ATC was apparently short staffed according to reports [ ? ] .
    Cruisin Sloth and duane like this.
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