<table class="contentpaneopen"><tbody><tr><td class="contentheading" width="100%">KING UNVEILS RADICAL PLAN TO **** BRITAIN INTO MIDDLE OF NEXT WEEK </td> <td class="buttonheading" align="right" width="100%"> </td> <td class="buttonheading" align="right" width="100%"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table class="contentpaneopen"> <tbody><tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top"> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">var sbtitle=encodeURIComponent("KING UNVEILS RADICAL PLAN TO **** BRITAIN INTO MIDDLE OF NEXT WEEK"); var sburl=decodeURI("****-britain-into-middle-of-next-week-200903061625/");var sburl=sburl.replace(/amp;/g, "");sburl=encodeURIComponent(sburl);</script>BANK of England governor Mervyn King last night unveiled his latest radical plan to take Britain and **** it squarely into the middle of next week. Carrying money has never been so much funMr King and chancellor Alistair Darling agreed to increase the money supply after noticing how Britain was still not quite similar enough to Germany in 1932, or Zimbabwe this morning. Mr King said: "Once we've laid the groundwork for hyper-inflation everything else should fall into place including the emergence of a strong, insane dictator, a nice new motorway network and our eventual annihilation." Later today the government will release details of a scheme where people can hand in their wallets and purses in exchange for a shiny, new wheelbarrow to carry their money around in. Across the country retailers are expected to soon begin pricing goods in wheelbarrows instead of pounds and pence. Newsagent WH Smith confirmed it will charge three and a half wheelbarrows for a can of Diet Fanta and a packet of Quavers. Meanwhile economists are at odds over the new policy with some claiming it is pronounced 'quan-ti-ta-tive' while others have opted for the shorter, lazier 'quan-ta-tive'. Dr Tom Booker, from Reading University, said: "It's the 'easing' bit that fascinates me. It makes it sound as if you're lowering yourself gently into a warm, soothing bath when in actual fact it's more like jumping head first into a swimming pool filled with spiders and glass." He added: "What I'm particularly looking forward to is taking some news footage from this year and showing it in black and white alongside some film from Germany in the early Thirites to see if anyone can spot the difference. "It'll be an amusing little game we can play when we're not murdering each other for a sausage roll." <hr> Did you enjoy this article? Please share it! 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