At least now you can hear them coming, so you will have plenty of time to reload. YouTube- Bub Rub - Woooo Woooo
They make me physically ill, and they should all be rounded up and summarily excecuted. Those two...... people?....... are fine examples of the zombie horde post shtf.
Based on the title, I wasn't exactly sure what this thread was going to be about . Tailpipe whistles. What will they come up with next?
Hey Griff,I totally agree , plus a 12ga. round might make them think twice about placing it back on. Doc
Well a 12 ga buckshot round through the bass box in the back seat would be a great bonus as well. I think the Oakland PD has enough evidence to give Bub-Rub a ticket .. 1.Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign. 2.Crossing the center line. 3.Reckless driving. 4.Being an idiot! [Oh wait, that one aint a law!] Can't the state of Califorinika ticket these people for defective exhaust systems? And as a mid-westerner I hope this "fad" dosen't come east...bad enough with the kids and the bass boxes,blue headlights and canned exhaust around here. Much less this kind of crap!