After Blackjacks Questions on goats I go to thinking about pack goats. A goat can carry 25% of its body weight, about 5-12 miles a day, depends on terrain. Sure footed critters, can travel on narrow trails and in heavlly treed/brushy areas. They have lower impact than a horse or mule or burro, more difficult to track. No shoes needed. (some people don't shoe mules or burros just trim them) They can pull carts and cultivators I know they sell stuff, interesting to look at tho' The cost of outfitting goats is alot less than outfitting one horse. I figgure you can get two kids a year per doe, twins or breeding 2X a year. It would take some time to pack half dozen goats, I think, longer than one horse, maybe, never packed goats. The types of goats used for packing are dairy/meat types ie: French Alpine, Lamancha and Nubians. They go about 200# for males, females less. Goats are good for: meat, milk, hair (Angora,Mohair and Cashmere) butter, brush clearing, fertilizer, hides. For breeding it is much easier to handle a billy than a stud, yeppers you bet cha'. Loose a goat you lost a year, loose a horse you lost 4 at least. Problems with goats may be that they are easier prey to dogs (feral or domestic) coyotes, bears and puma. I will be serriously checking into goats, cross breeds for meat/milk and hair for sure. I am going to see about getting some goats, sell some of my hay burners, should get enough for them to pay for some fine goats... haa haa Love it when ya' get me thinking tnx snowbyrd Hey 'ya got thoughts, sure would appreciate them
Although just the term "bug-out goat" is very amusing, I think you've got some great points there. The value of a few good goats post shtf is undeniable. Snowbyrd, I know you pointed out in another post the Dexter small cattle breed, and I've also been fascinated by their utility. I'd be curious to see a direct comparison between the two. I might have to do some research on it if you don't.
Ok I ain't got alot else to do here, I learned about the Dexter cattle 15 or so yrs ago, good idea. tnx Oh, saw the pics on the MULE RESCUES the cat. Gonna keep me some mules...... snowbyrd
Heck yeah! Heck yeah, they are totally multi-purpose/functional. Have you ever thought about using them on an animal-powered TREADMILL as well? The options are endless! Here are 2 LINKY's to share: Have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!! ~Wildernessgal~
OK, dexters Dexter cattle colour black mostly also red and dun 38-44", 750lbs, bulls 1000# meat is about 65%, low bone to meat ratio. Calving problems rare, on thier feet Quickly without human help Breed heifers at 15-18 months, will produce calves for @ 14yrs. They can be finished on grass with no supplimentary feed in 20-24 months Milk 2-3gal/day 4% butterfat can be used as oxen Help ya? snowbyrd
sounds good to me.i seen buckshot do a book review in his video series about goat packing.somebody in oregon did the writting. also if you want to think about long term survival....just loook att he people that live that way now.peoples of africa keep goats ....the ones still living the old nomadic could be good to have meat and milk in the bush;plus the ability to pack some extra weight.kill a deer it could pack it out for you....or with some jugs do a few gallons of water.the posibilities are endless.
believe that would be "buggering goats"(???) barter? Hey "pimpin" ain't easy!!!? I think i could get 2 goat treadmills under the hood of my ranger, probably be faster too...
Used to work in the area of agricultual development and the goat has done more to destroy the enviornment than anything else other than possibly co 2. That said, they are the ultimate survival source of food. Thats what makes them so damn dangerous. They can survive on almost anything, need little water, reproduce quickly, defend themselves a lot better than sheep, are a convenient size, and furnish meat, milk, wool, and hides. The problem being that when the enviorment goes to pieces, as it has in Africa, Asia or South America, the last thing to starve out that is usefull is the goat. They will get fat in an area where cows, horses or sheep would starve. Thus the locals will cut the leaves off of the last trees left to feed them after the grass and brush is gone. Half the floods in Asia are caused by the rapid runoff of water in the denuded areas after the grass and the trees are gone. But IMHO, if I had to survive a TSHTF situation, they would probably be the easiest and best of any of the animals to raise for survival food. That and possibly llamas or their cousins.
Well then to be fair, the goat isn't the problem, it's the people who own the goats that's the problem.
One of the best things about goats in a post SHTF aspect IMO other than maybe that they are able to thrive on stuff where other animals would starve, is the fact of their size. Most means of preserving meat that would be used without refrigeration are not as long term as freezing or else creates a product that isnt able to be used as many ways as fresh meat. So if you have a beef and get 1000 lbs of meat when you butcher you have to find a way to preserve all of that meat for several months untill it is used or it goes to waste where as with a goat you would average a lot closer to maybe 100 lbs or a little less. So the goat can be consumed in about a month and a lot less efert has to be put into preserving it, just butcher as you need it or in the fall/winter when feeding them is a problem and nature provides the refridgeration for preserving it. If on the move you only have to carry whats left of the 100 pounds while the other 900 lbs walks along with you.
Blackjack, you hit the nail right on the head, if there is a SHTF situation, we both know that it won't be caused by goats. It sort of looks like people will a hand in it though.