Bushcraft Knife

Discussion in 'Functional Gear & Equipment' started by Coyote Ridge, May 3, 2020.

  1. Coyote Ridge

    Coyote Ridge Monkey

    Wanted a more traditional knife for my "bushcraft" kit. This looks like a great deal. And the sheath is great.
    damoc, Sapper John and GOG like this.
  2. GOG

    GOG Free American Monkey

    Thanks, it seems like it could be a pretty good knife. Where was it manufactured?
  3. Hokyjoe

    Hokyjoe Monkey

    Lot's of offshore makers making some fairly decent copies of traditional knives that are very good users. Ragnar's Ragweed Forge is a good site for some nice bushcraft blades. That blade looks like a good option also.
  1. Jerry Fisk
  2. AgentPickle
  3. chelloveck
  4. chelloveck
  5. chelloveck
  6. Coyote Ridge
  7. Coyote Ridge
  8. Dunerunner
  9. Matei
  10. Matei
  11. norseman
    Thread by: norseman, Mar 8, 2021, 3 replies, in forum: Blades
  12. Ganado
  13. Ganado
  14. Aspiring_Caveman
  15. Coyote Ridge
  16. Dunerunner
  17. 3M-TA3
  18. DKR
  19. AxesAreBetter
  20. Andy the Aussie
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