Well at long last all the everything has finaly come together and the butchering photo tutorial that started off as a thread in the back to basics section of the survival forum here is now finished in its final form and is available for sale here first and at a special Survival monkey price. The normal price on these will be $15 shipped or 2 for $25 shipped but anyone mentioning this forum and ordering by no later than August 15, '06 will get theirs for $10 shipped. Anyone who wants to order can contact me by PM here or by email at monkeymantree@hotmail.com I will take checks, money orders or Paypal payments to the above email and be sure to include shipping adress in the coments section with butchering tutorial mentioned somewhere in there. The first orders should be ready to go out in the mail in about a week since I still have to get the cases for them and will ship by USPS first class mail.
I'm in for one. mm, You should go to PayPal. Log in, Go to the Merchant Services Tab, Towards the bottom of the screen you'll see Buy Now Buttons. Fill that out and sned me the code it gives you. We can then add that to your CD offer and people can click and pay right from this thread. Let me know if you need any help doing that. I think it may help your sales. I'll edit this post later
Cool, I'll go ahead and look into that. I needed to make some changes on my account there anyway. I just have one of their basic accounts though so will have to see if its available on that.
OK, then a quick review for those who are wondering. I've gone thru the CD in some detail, and can say that it is pretty complete for the requirements and preparations for home butchering. It is written in a homey, easily understood style, with the pictures and text close together so that each step matches such that you don't have to scroll to see what is under discussion. Monkeyman shows his skill as well as tells about it. Well worth the few dollars if you ever want to know "how to" or think you may need to know some day.
Same here. I was Very impressed with the overall layout and info. Not that I was expecting shoddy work... But it did exceed my expectations! Very thourogh and I think I could break down a Cow with this CD and a few extra hands. You ever think about doing some video tutorials? I bet you coud start a series on general homesteading and primitive living mm... Think about that.
I am seriously thinking I may have to kind of get serious about hunting this year and see if I can put one get the basic material started to put one together on wild game, though haveing seen what all is involved in getting from 'thinking about it' to 'have it ready to sell' I figure if I start now its questionable at best if it would be ready in time for next winters hunting season. Have also thought about trying some on other topics haveing to do with homesteading, primitive living and so on but figure need to see if can show the Mrs a better return before going ot all out on it. As far as vidios, I think that would be a long ways off just due to the fact (aside from anything else) that I dont have any of the equiptment I would need like the vidio camera, a way to edit the vidio (kind of like on the pics for the CD there was an average of 3-4 times the pics taken compared to what was used to be sure got the shots needed) and a dubbing machine for vidio betterthan hooking 2 VCRs together which would take way to much time to be able to sell many of them. Im looking into setting up a web site in the next couple of months for selling the CD though and if it picks up, which looks promiseing from the response I have had from their limited exposure so far, then there will most likely be some sequils in the future, would just have to work something out with RH for the codeing or find someone else capable of doing half as great a job if she runs screaming in the other direction. lol
A cheap (under $200) Camera that records to mini DVDs or flash and a PC can create a pretty proffesional looking vid mm. Ever seen one of Buckshot's? The info can supercede the filming technique
Yeah, its a thought in the future, just not a viable option right at the moment. Still kind of looking for more gainful employment since the current gig is at a convenience store for $6/hour and they rarely give me much more tha 30 hours/week or like this pay period (2 weeks) they are giveing me about they have me down for about 35 hours in 2 weeks. Not a lot left to improve situations after covering the bills and some chow even with the meat being a negligable cost. I figure when I can get in a better situation on funds then I will most likely start looking around at the pawn shops and such for a used vidio camera then talk to some folks who know how to move things from vidio to computer and such and see if can do something. I figure I want to try to get some more exposure for this CD first though and see if can get it to actualy show a better return then go from there. I have a guy localy who has offeredto build me a web site for it for like $20 after I get a domain and that end of it set up so hopefuly can pull out $75-100 next month and get that set up and see if I cant get get it advertised some that way.
Well, still havent gotten a beb site set up forselling the CDs but since have had some intrest in the portions of it posted here from newer members thought I would bump this into the unread posts for the folks that scan them to see if it get any responses.