Calif n the rest of the U.S.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OldDude49, May 22, 2020.

  1. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Colorado is in for a nasty fight any day now, they have refused to maintain the mountain roads, fire roads, and sold off or scrapped a lot of the equipment needed to maintain it! The Demo Utopia of Bolder thinks that money should be spent elsewhere, and the state is well known for bad forest fires! I and my neighbors maintain around 600 road miles around our area, because the state won't, even though they have funds set aside! They stopped cleaning underbrush long ago, so it's going to really be bad the next fire that comes!

    I mention this because there is a big time holliweird celebrity activist/environmentalist living just over 6 miles upwind from our little valley, and he is super pissed off, his $42 million dollar ranch is at high risk ( I know, he hired my crew and I to come in and evaluate it and help make a plan to protect it) and he is sueing the snot out of the State, and is even going after several politicians, and he has money and time and the desire! Can't say who it is, but I was pleasantly surprised to meet this celeb and got my mind changed about him and his politics!
    Proof you can change someone if they have an open enough mind!
    OldDude49 and Yard Dart like this.
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