Can someone clarify the controversy surrounding ivermectin's use in COVID-19 treatment?

Discussion in 'Survival Medicine' started by Ariasmith, Dec 19, 2023.

  1. Ariasmith

    Ariasmith On Hiatus Banned

    The controversy surrounding the use of Buy ivermectin 12 mg online in COVID-19 treatment is multifaceted and involves scientific, medical, and public health considerations. Here are key points to clarify the controversy:

    1. Lack of Robust Clinical Evidence:
      • One major point of contention is the lack of robust clinical evidence supporting the use of ivermectin as a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19. While some small studies suggested potential benefits, larger and well-designed clinical trials were lacking.
    2. Inconclusive Results:
      • Many studies on ivermectin and COVID-19 had methodological limitations, and results were often inconclusive or conflicting. The quality of evidence was generally deemed low.
    3. Risk of Misinformation:
      • The promotion of ivermectin without solid scientific backing led to the spread of misinformation and self-medication. Regulatory bodies and health organizations emphasized the importance of relying on evidence-based treatments.
    4. Concerns about Safety:
      • Ivermectin, when not used at appropriate doses, can lead to adverse effects. Overdosing or using formulations intended for animals can be harmful. The safety profile of ivermectin in the context of COVID-19 was a concern.
    5. Regulatory Warnings:
      • Wellbeing specialists, including the World Wellbeing Association (WHO) and the U.S. Food and Medication Organization (FDA), gave articulations alerted against the inescapable utilization of ivermectin for Coronavirus beyond clinical preliminaries or laid out conventions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2023
    duane likes this.
  2. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    EUA are not allowed if there is previously approved affective treatments. They wanted to get the vaxes approved by EUA letters and that would not be possible with IVM and HDQ as viable treatments. so, they suppressed the evidence that both meds were helpful. Both meds have excellent safety profiles and have been prescribed for many years before covid without difficulty. Shit got political. People died because of it. You want to read studies go look them up yourself. Personally I think you might be some kind of spammer or bot based on you imbedded link.
    ditch witch, Zimmy, Ura-Ki and 8 others like this.
  3. bluesky63

    bluesky63 Monkey

    Mystterymet is correct.
    Zimmy, Ura-Ki, mysterymet and 2 others like this.
  4. Out in the woods

    Out in the woods off-grid in-the-forest beekeeper

    The use of ivermectin detracts from the White House agenda.
  5. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    I started the Ivermectin protocol, along with zinc and vitamin D supplements, early on. Never a problem. Followed recommended dosage based on weight. Never caught a cold, much less the Dreaded Covid. I am 66 now, with some serious health problems since 2012, including DVT/PE, which can be massively exascerbated by C-19. My otherwise healthy sister, then 62, died in May 2021 directly due to DVT/PE caused by the socalled "vaccine", two days after her second jab. This has been unfortunately true for many thousands of people in the USA and worldwide. I just cannot and will not risk the proven-deadly "vaccine". I am not a total "antivaxxer", but I have also avoided the annual flu vax, which some years back was frought with lack of proper testing, lack of QC, and again many people having adverse reactions. The standard childhood vaccines I have no problem with. But the AMA and WHO have been, at best, playing fast and loose with insufficient testing, low QC, and forcing vaccines with known proven serious side-effects, onto an uneducated and fear-ridden populace. I personally think the Evil Dwarf, Faucci, should be tried for mass murder and hung by his scrawny neck.
  6. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Amen brother!
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  7. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Yep. If there was an effective treatment for a new seasonal flu there would have not been the money spent, the shutdowns, the loss of freedom of movement and association, all the rest of the things. There was the crisis in assisted breathing and a presumed shortage of the machines and a lack of hospital beds. Most turned out to be false and were covered as a need to be prepared and that the masks, etc somehow saved us.

    It was not a joke, but neither is the usual seasonal flu, many elderly and ill people die of it in a normal year. The vaccines may well have caused more problems than they prevented. I know of several people who took every jab presented, who have had covid more than once. I also know people who received all the proscribed treatments who either died or suffered from the so called long covid and are having continuing problems. We probably will never know how effective or dangerous the vaccines or treatments were as both the medical profession and the government are in full cover their butt mode

    The official line is as usual well set out by the Mayo Clinic. It may not be correct, but it is the best information put out by the system. In all fairness, a lot of information on alternative treatments on the net were at best harmless beyond delaying treatment of covid, to down right dangerous.

    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic

    I am 85 years old now, was and still am a stage 4 cancer patient on chemo and did not take any of the jabs and as far as I know, never been tested, never had it. I am basically a vegetarian, eat fish, milk, eggs etc. take a good line of vitamin and mineral supplements, including zinc , B, C, and E vitamins. I try to grow as much of my own food as possible, fresh, and use trace mineral supplements in my greenhouse as well as granite dust, mineral bearing clay, etc, natural sources of the trace minerals. In my mind that is a bettter preventive than the jab. Your mileage may vary.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    For some unexplainable reason, we seem to think that just because they make medicine their intentions and practices are always pure and good but that is far from the truth...

    Pure and simple, it's all about the money. People really don't understand how financially and politically powerful the big Pharmacy industry truly is - well - maybe they do now. They certainly should. They are stronger than most nations of the include the USA.
  9. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    They're just mad we didn't fall for it too.
    duane, mysterymet and Ura-Ki like this.
  10. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I have no idea about the medical issues but from my own recollection of the news, TDS was the biggest factor, anything Trump liked was automatically wrong.
    duane, mysterymet and Ura-Ki like this.
  11. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Interesting discussion. Carry on. ;)
    duane, mysterymet and Ura-Ki like this.
  12. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I've shared here before on this, but it bears repeating ( Mostly as a warning) Wife is a Doctor, I'm a retired Combat Medic, so we both have a pretty solid medical background. Here's the deal, in the medical world, new or experimental drugs require a testing protocol that is both lengthy and extremely well vetted, these drugs MUST go through this protocol entirely with an excepted limit of failures which is usually sub 1% total. Covid Vaxs were forced through with out even the most basic of testing, HARD STOP!
    Second, the Fauxie Ouchies were forced upon the people, You DON'T Force a people to take something unless your hiding something. Ask you self this, why were their suddenly options of different brands/blends of the Koof Jabs, but the mandates remained? How was it possible for anyone, even Fauxie to claim the Jabs were 100% safe, despite NEVER completing any of the mandated testing protocols? BTW, none of the Fauxie Ouchies are or were a Vaccine, they were/are an rNMA sort of therapy, and the powers that be didn't even bother to splain the difference or to even hide it, they just did it!

    Where was the U.S. ARMY during all this? Where was the Army's emergency medical crises teams to take this all under control, as is protocol for such situations? We didn't hear a single peep from the ARMY during the entire ordeal! Why was Fauxie kept as the front man, despite the growing evidence that things were going off the rails, that the Koof Jabs were not anywhere near as effective, and worse, there were very real and provable side effects showing up directly correlating to the Jabs! Why were the hospitals forced to push the narrative and demand only vaxed could get treatment for other issues, otherwise turned away? Why were the hospitals so quick to terminate any employees ( My Wife) who questioned any of the Koof Mandates, testing, efface or any of the many other reasons not to take the jab, and why force the staff to take the Fauxie Ouchie when they flat knew it hadn't passed any of the tests???? This its one of the biggest pissers for me, they flat out knew it was bad, yet they continued to force it on the very people they needed most, and there is No Justice here at this stage!

    Wife and I did the Ivermedicin Horse paste along with an enhanced vitamin and mineral supplements, and we both got the Koof, but it was never near as bad, my longest lasted 12 hours, Wifes maybe a full 24 hours, and most importantly, the Captain never had it longer then a day or two at most! There were some other preventative treatments we did, but I will not share here, other then to say they are well proven against other forced medical mandates that have been used against people historically!
    duane, Cruisin Sloth and mysterymet like this.
  13. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Is your wife able to work now without the clot shot?
    duane and Ura-Ki like this.
  14. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    The lady I had been taking to dialysis every other day got it and eventually died.
    I caught it, lost my sense of taste and smell for two weeks and learned about Ivermectin and used the horse paste and added D and other vitamins and did just fine.
  15. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    We're still sorting through all that! She wants to get back to it, but there is a lot of drama with a number of administrations who are so scared of the koof and the government, there is an awful lot of money at stake across the spectrum in this still! There is also the drama of those who were terminated unjustly due to the mandates, and there has yet to be absolution on that front! For our part, my Bride was "Retired" with tenure, rather then being fired, so,..........
  16. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Well, there is a 'the glass is half-full' side of this. It has shown all Americans who has eyes and want to see: 1. The CDC is a corrupt pile of feces. 2. The WHO is a bigger pile. 3. The US federal government is incapable of any honest or logical governing and/or even leadership whatsoever. What to do about it? I have absolutely no idea, but it definitely has become intolerable. "Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." - Thomas Paine
    Idahoser, Ura-Ki, duane and 3 others like this.
  17. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    Totally useless according to the CDC. But they also told you that you would not get Covid if you took the shot.
    Gator 45/70, Ura-Ki and duane like this.
  18. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    And they lied through their buck teeth, claiming the clot-shot was "safe".
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  19. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    all you need to do is look at the timeline of the Covid treatment >>>

    alll kinds of confirmed political involvement with developing treatments when Prez Trump was prez and it looked for EVERY conceivable LEGAL way that he was getting a 2nd term - plenty of the pharm firms and gads of employees allllll confirmed that they were purposely withholding treatment to make Trump look bad and continue looking bad >>>>

    presto-change-o the DNC pulls off The Big Cheat and the free shot came overnite with no testing or safeguards - the Biden $$$$ started to flow and Covid didn't stop until the new GOP House pulled the funding - remember how Covid just simply disappeared overnite????

    trust a "political cure"???? - depends on just how freaking stupid you are
  20. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

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