Bring it ! I will not only show you how to catch food, But how too season it, cook it and eat it ! You must not be scared of it at all...
Gator, I would love to come down and crab with you... truth be told I am a pretty good hand on a crab pot and BBQ'ing them, some clams and oysters is a breeze.... but I would enjoy learning your style of making tasty seafood delights
Blue claw we call them, Caught in brackish water, Gives them a sweet taste and the shell's are not as hard.
No, We have actual farms that catch the crab when it molting and in its soft shell stage, These are a 1.00 each if you were to buy them, Buy CATCH I mean a crab farm if you will. Those you have to remove the lungs and insides before you batter and fry up !
Tonight I'm grilling On the pit is Chewbacca, Hedge hog and a one eyed possum ! Belle seems a bit worried, She'll get over it when I give her a share. All my monkey friends are invited for a taste !