Originally posted by James Yeager: Deadline for purchasing tickets will be March 31st and the raffle will be April 1st (I know). We will post the winning numbers on getoffthex.com. Raffle Prizes (more are being added): Tactical Response Gear - Cav Arms Aluminum gun Tactical Response - 5 Fighting Rifle classes Dave Fillers (21ST Century Firearms) - Yugo AK (7.62) John Willis - More details later Mookie - More details later Mike Bush - NovaTac EDC-120E http://www.novatac.com/edc.html You may purchase tickets by using PayPal (Payment@TacticalResponse.com) or by mailing a check to Tactical Response Attn: Marilyn P.O. Box 385 Camden, TN 38320. Tickets are $5 each (buy a lot). Your stubs will be mailed to you. Don't lose them! Please include your mailing address in all correspondence. There will be a group of prizes and not individual prize drawings. To explain it further we will pick one prize and then draw a number to see who gets it until we are out of prizes. Tickets will also be for sale at Tactical Response Gear.