libtards are gonna have a field day with this. "See, even with a valid permit you people pose a danger to others....we need to get rid of guns period!"|text|FRONTPAGE&gcheck=1&nclick_check=1 Expect more example of reasons to disarm all the way up until the election.
Something does not add up. He says the gun went off when it hit the floor? Sorry, I don't buy it. It sounds like he fiddle #$% the trigger to me. Lesson learned. If you can't use a secure holster, leave the gun at home. And when you do shoot yourself at least be man enough to admit you pulled the trigger.
Yeah...something is fishy. Most theater chairs I've been in don't have enough room to drop anything through the seat unless the seat is up. Whatever went down, it doesn't make it easier for us.
I've had some pretty cheap, sorry guns in my time but I've never had one that would go off by dropping it on the floor. Had a single shot derringer that would fire when you turned the barrel to open it, (found that out when a boyfriend opened it and shot through his finger) but dropping it? Nope.
Wow, another lesson learned. Don't point your gun at a body part you don't want a hole in. It's almost like we should write this stuff down and make up some basic rules or something
He wasn't pointing it at anything, actually. It was a tiny derringer and to load it you turned the barrel sideways and loaded directly into it. I guess somehow he got a finger in front of the muzzle when he turned it, and next thing we knew there was a .22 embedded into the kitchen counter and a hole through part of his ring finger. The guy had some pretty big paws.