Here's a nice little video somebody put together showing the hypocrisy of Hollywood types.. The ones who make millions from their shoot em' up movies.. Which I am a fan of by the way, but that doesn't mean I give two shits about their political views... YouTube Video
Winning vid and agree completely. If the American people all thought like this...maybe you wouldn't be electing actors like Ronny Reg, Jessie Vent and Arnie Swartz. Sarcasm filter has been destroyed in a lolercasm. G
I have been saying for years, that actors should stick to their scripts. I don't want to know their politics, it isn't why I watch movies. remember when the Dixie Chicks opened their mouths, and thought the world wanted to know their opinion?
Everybody is entitled to their opinions, and I understand where they are coming from.. The problem I have is that they are sitting in their mansions of gold bought and paid for by Hollywood shoot-em up movies. These "actors" calling for gun control is like General Dynamics, or Lockheed Martin, or Northrup Grumman calling for defense spending cuts...