Forgive the improper english, but I can't think of anything better to describe him. I have know the old Coot for several years and discussion boards, lol. So please extend to him the warmest of welcomes we Monkeys have to offer, late though it may be. Oh yeah, he has forgotten more about firearms than anyone I have ever seen actually knows, so if you have questions he is usually good to go.
I don't know about that but was nice of ya to say it even if it ain't true !!!LOL I don't know everything but I'll answer what I can when asked !! Old military is what know best something of reloading but only for the ones I use . The AK is something I have studied from both sides,sending and receiving . I can tell ya they don't come any better than Magnus his heart is as big as the rest of him and that is a fact I know all to well.
You still have that Yugo with the Pointy Cleaning Rod? That was a hoot. I don't know anyone that I would have liked to give a kit to more that you.
Huge Ditto there, E.L.! And you're right about Mags, Cephus...Had the pleasure of meeting Mags a few years back and spent an "interesting" Saturday with him and a few hundred of our new best friends.... Welcome Cephus!