
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheyCall MeBruce, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. For anyone else that may be looking into the same thing. I found a fairly informative site Working with Broody Hens: Let Mama Do It (Part One)
    I'm kind of looking forward to breeding my own extra crispy drumsticks ^^

    tacmotusn and chelloveck like this.
  2. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Some breeds would be capable of surviving free but not many, and none that are decent layers. Actually the leghorns are so flighty and nervous that they just might have a shot if you get the brown ones or the California Greys which are a barred cross using Leghorns. The problem is they are non-setters so they would be terminal. Your best bet would be the game breeds. They're broody and can fly pretty well. Asils look prehistoric and are pretty tough. Again, not great layers.

    I would say guineas would be a good choice as they're excellent fliers, always roost up high, and make great alarm birds as they screech at everything that moves. However, they're awful mothers. I can't count how many guinea hens I used to have who would hatch out 12 or more keets, and be down to 1 or none within three weeks. I had to use banty hens to hatch out guinea keets.

    For whomever asked about where to see pictures, go to any of the hatchery sites. My fav is which has actual photos of their own birds, vs the breed standard drawings that most of the hatcheries use. You can also check out for pictures of a wide assortment of breeds. doesn't have pictures but does have a lot of rare breeds and good descriptions that are worth reading. I got some black java hatching eggs from them years and years ago when the javas were first available.
  3. Thanks for the advice I will definitely check them out ^^
  4. Well... I have decided to get some chickens. I'm still not sure how to tell the difference between original and extra crispy, but from what I have read it shouldn't be to bad. Besides it will not only be a good learning experience for me but my kids as well. (I can teach them the difference between running gear and flying gear^^)
  5. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I am waiting for the all dark meat chicken. When it is created, I will own nothing but.

    At this time I have Dutch Lakenvelders, Easter Eggers, Black Australorps, and a multi colored mutt. Just put in an order for Speckled Sussex, more Easter Eggers, Silver Cukoo Marans, and Silver laced Wyandottes.
  6. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Dark Cornish Game Chickens have more dark meat pound for pound than any other breed or so I have read.
  7. Question, does anyone know if there is a way to make a hen broody or is it a sit, watch and wait game? I have one that kinda lingers in the nests. I watched her for about an hour or better the other day pulling bedding out of the other nests and putting them in "her" nest.
  8. Well... I broke down and said screw it and made an incubator. It was fairly easy too. I used an old cooler, an old light socket and a piece of plexy glass. All of which I had just collecting dust. only things I had to buy were a temp/humi gauge and a water heater thermostat. Grand total was 20 bucks.

    My kids are having a blast checking them out through the little view window I made. (me too ^^)
    tulianr likes this.
  9. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    You read the data from the links I sent you? I never had any luck with the still air incubator, and I think the problem was three fold. I didn't keep proper track of the humidity, I went by the temp of the thermostat only (no thermometer laying on top of the eggs), and I candled none of the eggs at any point.
    Since I am now aware of all my known failings in using the still air incubator I might have better luck next time.
    Read what I sent you before it is too late. Don't be ignorant like I was.
  10. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Oh, one more thing, 2nd day thru 18th day turn the eggs twice minimum! Auto turners do it 6 times in 24 hours.
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