Ray Canterbury On School Lunches: West Virginia Republican Proposes Making Kids Work For Food Lern me a GMO chicken sammich.
Well that's just asinine. The kids who are paying for their lunch are STILL getting a free lunch. Does he think Snotley and Bratteny pay for it from money they earned down at the coal mine? Their parents pay for it.
In Jr. High I actually worked at the school in the cafeteria. I got paid for it (in cash...under the table I guess since I never got a 1099 or W-2) and lunch was part of the deal. And yes, I was, um, looked down on. Screw-em.
Here is a little Problem - Reaction - Solution for desert. http://www.app.com/article/20130423/NJNEWS15/304230141/1004/NEWS01&source=rss?nclick_check=1 Problem - teacher busted with dope. Reaction - Derp Solution - Search students.