Original Work Christopher's Writing Thread

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by ChrisNuttall, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

  2. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

  3. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    I truly don't know how you do it, Chris...all of these great stories, that is. Many thanks to you for your hard work and ongoing devotion!
  4. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    Bloody-mindedness <grin>
    techsar likes this.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I just finished Twilight of the Gods #1: StormFront. I really enjoyed it! So much so, I left a positive review and purchased the follow-on book #2. I will start it this evening. Good stuff, Chris!
  6. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    MerzdorfM likes this.
  7. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    techsar and mysterymet like this.
  8. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    MerzdorfM, Ganado and techsar like this.
  9. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    techsar and Ganado like this.
  10. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    techsar likes this.
  11. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

  12. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    MerzdorfM likes this.
  13. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Hey Chris. Just wondering if anything new is coming? Maybe another schooled in magic??? Please!
    bagpiper likes this.
  14. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    We're just on holiday. Next book starts on the 10th.

    mysterymet, bagpiper and ghrit like this.
  15. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Enjoy your holiday. Just starting to get a bit worried about you guys since we hadn't heard from you.
  16. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    MerzdorfM likes this.
  17. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    techsar, oldawg and mysterymet like this.
  18. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    KrisP and techsar like this.
  19. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

  20. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

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