Cold Steel Cheapshot?

Discussion in 'Turf and Surf Hunting and Fishing' started by AxesAreBetter, Sep 8, 2019.

  1. AxesAreBetter

    AxesAreBetter Monkey+++

    Howdy y'all.
    Due to a sudden influx of pests (and a few other reasons), I got to looking around at crossbows, and found the new Cold Steel Cheapshot on my radar.Fits what I am needing one for, thought I would ask if any of y'all had any insight on the matter?
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  2. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    sec_monkey likes this.
  3. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I looked at it on their website , looks sturdy enough , and easily cocked . The 2 things I didn't like was having to use their specific bolts for it , and it looks to me like it should have a little better trigger guard . That's just me tho .
    sec_monkey likes this.
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Take this with a grain of salt, For any cross bow, you want it to take a common type of arrow knock, and in fact, you want to be able to make your own bolts! I have a Home made Custom Cross Bow ( From a trigger/bolt release kit) that uses full size arrows and interchanges with my compound bow for simplicity and versatility!
  5. Battle Badger

    Battle Badger Monkey

    Ura-Ki ,You wouldn't happen to have the sourcing of that kit and "Plans" for the rest of us would you???
    SB21 and Ura-Ki like this.
  6. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Sure, lemme dig out the old laptop and see if I can dig out the links! Stand By!
    SB21 and Mountainman like this.
  7. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Here ya go!

    I find using old Compound bows to harvest the limbs and cams and other parts is the easiest way to go when building a powerful rig, and Ebay is your friend for all sorts of other parts and accessories!
    Traditional CrossBow's are also easy to make, and Medieval Crossbows on the web always has parts and accessories if that's your thing!
    Bolts I make easy enough, you can buy carbon arrow blanks easy and cheap and assemble them any way you wish!

    I like to build mine from blanks for several reasons
    I can make then any length and weight I wish
    I can fletch them fast or slow,
    I can set the knocks how I want them
    I can strengthen both the tip and knock with carbon rod inserts to both make the bolts stiffer and heavier
    I'm not limited to the type of Points I may wish to use or the weights
    I tend to use Muzzy Broad heads with tungston slugs behind them, really drives them home with serious force and really balances the bolt so they fly further and straighter!

    Best of Luck!
    Battle Badger, SB21 and Homer Simpson like this.
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