Collapse by Richard Stephenson

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by txprep47, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Just finished it today. Very impressed! Nice smooth writing style, believable dialogue nice merging of story lines. Looking forward to the next installment. Highly recommended. I am going to Amazon now to write a review there. Good job Mr. Stephenson!!! Hope you continue to hang around our monkey tree and keep us updated on the progress of the next book.
  2. R.Stephenson

    R.Stephenson Monkey

    Thanks everyone! I appreciate the interest that has been shown and especially thankful for the Amazon reviews. I have book two mapped out, the basic frame, outline, key points, that sort of thing. I have the first ten chapters completed and will post a little sneak peek of it on my blog rastephensonauthor.blogspot(dot)com in the next few weeks.

    Thanks again, I really appreciate the support.
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