Committee of Safety

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fl4848, Mar 1, 2023.

  1. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2023
    Tempstar likes this.
  2. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I think this would go over just about as well as it did last time - meaning - war, a revolution. I think everyone knows the real problem is that the Federal government has gotten too big, too powerful and constantly usurps the state governments powers and certainly the peoples' powers. Hell, the Feds own 63% of my state, how the hell did that happen? The problem is how to get the Federal government back into the bottle or box - well - people are starting to realize that they can't.

    It has gotten so big and so powerful that we no longer control them; they control us. This isn't going to change, not by voting or another Bill. The monster is free and will devour all those who try to chain or change it in any shape or form. It's really quite elegant when you look at it because we are the blood in its veins and the money in its pocket. We are paying for our own bondage. They do what they like, when they like and if we try to stop them or address a grievance than we even pay for the attorneys that fight against us. And, if we win a case against them? They are not paying the fines or fees - we the people do. So, how can they lose? They can't. It's simply genius when you sit down and think about it...

    They control us by a piece of paper that says 'We the People' are in charge and they pound that into our heads from childhood onwards until we believe it but...there's a huge difference between words on paper and reality. These documents, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, etc. are nothing more than a baby's pacifier, to keep us calm and quiet, thinking all is well for we have Rights, nothing has changed, but, sadly, everything has indeed changed. We control nothing, not the country, not even our own lives and certainly not the monster.

    Call me cynical but this is how I see it. Nothing will change - ever. All that nonsense we hear from fired up politicians is tripe, drum beating, flag waving, and vote gathering. There is only one way to rid ourselves of a monster, you kill it, as our forefathers did; however, we are not in 1776 but the 21st century. We'd have to destroy the country to save it. Worth it? Probably not as we'd probably not get a chance to rebuild it afterwards. Hell, we got lucky last time, and our enemies read history books also.

    So, we change what we can, when we can, take our wins, forget our losses, hope for the best and prepare for the worse.

    Anyway, that's my opinion...unless we are willing to risk destroying the nation to save it then it simply is not worth it because that's what it would take. The risk is huge, not only on a national scale but international also.

    Sorry, for the long rant but it's a cold winter's day and good for deep thoughts...not much else to do but plow snow! LOL!
    fl4848, Dunerunner, Kamp Krap and 6 others like this.
  3. mechstdr

    mechstdr patriotic grease monkey

    i fear for the future, our descendants and theirs, all i hope for is that i die peacefully in my sleep, at least a couple decades in the future. LOL.
  4. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    So, @fl4848 …. What were your takeaways from the vid?
    fl4848, Gator 45/70 and mechstdr like this.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yeah, me too, in fact, I think most of us feel that way. Don't get me wrong, I'll do my bit if something were to kick off - I mean - we wouldn't have a choice, right? But, these guys are super smart and super careful never to push too hard to force things to kick off. I think they understand now that they screwed up with that Covid crap but look at their HUGE payoff, and it's not just the USA but worldwide, we're talking $$$ trillions. So, the fact, they got some egg on their face and lost some voters - big deal, the payoff was worth it.

    I am convinced a lot of what has happened is planned but also a good portion of it is simply Leftists elites taking advantage of crisis situations, like Covid. Nevertheless, the pendulum is starting to swing in the other direction, our direction. I think if Trump gets in, he will be an absolute wrecking ball as he is as vindictive and vengeful as a Scot/Irish (like me! LOL!) and he won't have anything to lose as a lame duck president. They know this and are scared to death. So, it indeed is going to be a wild ride these next couple of years.
  6. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    People are resisting and God help the progressives when the silent majority finally has had enough of their BS!
    mechstdr and Gator 45/70 like this.
  7. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    fl4848, mechstdr, Bandit99 and 3 others like this.
  8. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    What about all of the people in the car with you when you die peacefully in your sleep :)
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Anybody think that maybe all of this 'destabilization' must run its course in order to bring about the full 'crisis' stage before the situation can finally be 'normalized'? :cool:
    Can't cover up the sexual perversion and pedophilia racket, so they legalize it and promote it as education for children.
    Make the News destroy the truth.
    Make the Banks destroy wealth.
    See to it that all Judges destroy justice.
    Doctors will be forced to destroy health.
    Make the Universities destroy knowledge.
    The Government will destroy your right to defend yourself and invite countless illegals to fight you.
    Gator 45/70, Dunerunner and mechstdr like this.
  10. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    LOL! I got to admit that we missed your weird sense of humor while you were gone....LOL!
  11. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I don't consider it a weird sense of humor ,, but more of a blunt statement of reality .

    No disrespect intended .
  12. mechstdr

    mechstdr patriotic grease monkey

    i don't know, it's my last ride i'll be in the back, can't speak for the driver or passengers though! :whistle::D
  13. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

    I've been mentally chewing on this video. I'm not sure what my takeaway is. If we were to form Safety Committees, how does this interact with state and federal laws? Do the Safety Committees obey local laws? Do they pick and chose which ones they abide by? What if the US signs a WHO treaty that usurps local laws? Do we simply disregard the treaty to protect local citizens?

    I think we should have formed local militias many decades ago and normalized this practice to keep the government in check. Unfortunately, because this was not done, the gov't has categorized any such activity as extremist and they hunt down and destroy any activity, as we saw in Idaho.

    Perhaps the only time that a Safety Committee would be effective is in a SHTF scenario, when police are not available. However, at that point, it will probably be every man for himself.

    During the time when they had Safety Committees, I wonder if they had law enforcement. Maybe this did not exist. Not sure.
    Gator 45/70, mechstdr and Dunerunner like this.
  14. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Outside the city limits, in the rural areas, there are no police in most places in the country. There may be sparse numbers of State troopers or county sheriff's but for the most part rural America is on it's own.

    I too have thought about organizing a mutual protection league in cooperation with law enforcement to help police the rural area where I live, but local county and State law enforcement was not in a very cooperative posture over the thought of a civilian entity cutting into their piece of the pie.
    Gator 45/70, Kamp Krap and mechstdr like this.
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Look at the “Safety Committee” more as a Neighborhood Watch group… but with the ability to interceed when Minutes Count, and Law Enforcement is Hours Away…. This is what we have out in Bush Alaska..
    Our State Trooper and EMS Folks are hours away, even if the start in our direction the instant we need them, so we ARE our own First Responders, for ANY Emergency Situation…We do what is needed to stabilize the situation, then contact the appropriate .Gov Entity… It works for the most part…
    Gator 45/70, mechstdr and Dunerunner like this.
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