Congressional officials say congresswoman shot

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Quigley_Sharps, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Our prayers go out to all of the victims and the families of those involved...
  2. Joseph Thomas

    Joseph Thomas Monkey+

    Absolutely 100%. She sounds like a decent woman and certainly didn't deserve this. At least she was one who was actually willing to meet with her constituents. Shooter sounds like a complete nut job. Early reports that he was supposedly an Afghan war vet. Last report I saw said the Pentagon had no record of him in either the Army or Marines. Just another sad mixed up A-hole who has ended up hurting innocent people. Anybody who does that or condones that deserves a very fiery end.
  3. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    #1 Which is why I would have preferred he ate his own gun or was otherwise put down permanently on the site of the crime. #2 The second reason is, I have lost faith in our Justice system!
  4. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

  5. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Amen. Sorry I have not mastered multiple quotes.
  6. Joseph Thomas

    Joseph Thomas Monkey+

    Latest I saw said he tried to enlist in the U.S. Army. Was turned down. I guess all the left wing bloggies can eat their words. Sorry that a situation like this would bring out all the nutjobs trying to push their political B.S. I'm glad monkeys are smart enough to wait and see the facts.
  7. BAT1

    BAT1 Cowboys know no fear

    I pray she makes it. The liberal blogs and sites are already blaming Sarah Palin and the Tea Party. That's as stupid as the what the shooter did. She had no security assigned to her.
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    No. It's actually more related to genetics and personal experience than the topic of study which caused the ALLEGED Loughner to go bananas and spray the crowd.

    Arizona. Hated by the government. Illegal immigration will never be quite the same...

    Loughner's video which was linked NEVER showed a single shred of violence. Can anybody point that out to me? Normal, every day patriotic speech is what I see. No violence.

    Let's say he DID shoot these people. Fine. I will give you that. Let's forget all about how the FBI has set people up in the past or pushed them to commit crimes. Forget all about it. He did it, okay? Now...where does his supposed YouTube video mention violence of any kind?

    OH NO! AN IMAGE OF A HAND GUN! :mad: That's a serious crime these days! DID HE HAVE A PERMIT TO DO THAT?

    BURN THE FLAG? Well that fits right in with his knowledge of being in the MEPS station, right? That outta piss off the veteran types pretty good! :mad:

    OH LOOK! He favorited Mein Kampf: Even though our own government has employed more Nazis than even Hitler did. I wonder why he favorited a book about Nazi's when we live in Gestapo land?

    OH LOOK! He favorited the Communist Manifesto: And apparently one must be clinically brain dead not to know that our own government throughout the 30's-80's were infiltrated by communists, many of our social structures were, too -and we even have Senate hearings on it. Why would he favorite a book about Communism when we live in a country with higher communist education as our staple, and the people own no property?

    MIND CONTROL? Talking about it is apparently a crime now.
    GOLD AND SILVER? Better not mention that either.

  9. Disciple

    Disciple Monkey+

    Broker Correct me if I'm wrong please, but wasnt project Echelon all about mind control. and wasnt that a varified program started by the CIA.
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    "Verified" as much as the FOIA has permitted. The truth is, we still know very little as to the full role the CIA and secret government played in Echelon, MKULTRA, and other psychological experiments. We do have de-classified information, but with the majority of it blacked out, all we are left to do is connect the dots and make an assessment based on "Who, When, Where, How" and very occasionally "Why". It's not easy being on this side of the fence. As long as the People DO NOT trust their government, I can see progress being made to eventually hold these criminals in office accountable.
  11. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    I've been keeping the victims/families in my thoughts and hoping those only wounded pull through, since I heard about it. Well read about it on Facebook, don't have TV anymore. And I'm already tired of it...well tired of people on both sides of the aisle who would rather point fingers at each other above all else when there's a 9year old in the morgue.
  12. Joseph Thomas

    Joseph Thomas Monkey+

    Amen, VHestin god bless them all.
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

  14. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    Oh I wouldn't be surprised if this was a setup somehow, to be a distraction. It does seem odd that Giffords didn't have security of some kind. And I noticed how fast people on both sides of the aisle started jumping down each other's throats, ignoring the real victims and just smearing each other's political views. Not to mention it took all the talk about bird/fish deaths off the table.
  15. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    As most of you have figured out, I'm a serious 2nd amendment kinda guy. This afternoon and this evening have been filled with calls from fellow shooters wanting to talk about this shooting. The consensus fear is this: Obammy and his cronies are virulently anti-gun. We know this. They've been strangely silent on the issue for the last two years, but now they have nothing to lose. We're past the midterm, and Puff Bammy is looking like a one-term wonder. This is the perfect time for them, and we got a taste of that in the lame duck session. Now would be an ideal time to go after our guns. Regardless of the fact that this jerk shooter was one of their own, he shot a congresscritter (why couldn't he have shot a fugly like Pelousy???) and a sitting Federal Judge.

    At the least, this is the pretext for the fedgov to "castle"... But, they have nothing to lose, so why not go for the brass ring and register/outlaw?? After all, time is short, and they can't have us armed when the banks fail, can they?

    The timing is interesting, to say the least.

    Here's the twist that's keeping me up tonight: There's a story about to break about Brian Terry - the border patrol agent killed just before Christmas. He was shot in the back, and it turns out that the rifle he was shot with was seized by ATF here in America, and one of their snitches walked it south and furnished it to the cartels. (This, to pad statistics in support of "Operation Gunrunner"...)

    (You've all heard Hillary bleating about gun show guns ending up in cartel hands, which, besides the hundreds ATF furnishes, is utter BS. The cartel is armed by the Mexican government and by way of the arms market in Belize.)

    All week, I've been in the process of furnishing details and contact info on that story to a couple of talk show hosts, getting the various parties together and trying to keep everyone up to date on developments. They were both going to run with it next week, and now this!

    There have also been some mainstream newsies sniffing around, although it's anybody's guess if they would have run with it or not. Also, word is a congressman or two was onto this. It's an Arizona story, so who knows - perhaps she was one of them. Nothing like the death of a child, a judge and a congresswoman to wipe that little ATF story right out of the news, though, eh? The fact that she lived probably makes the story even more compelling.

    As I always say, when the timing is curious, I'm curious too.

    Couple the incredible timing with how many people have died over the years for ATF PR, and I'm damn curious about this one...
  16. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    Christina, that's the name of the little girl who was shot. If the shootings yesterday was a setup to accomplish some political, if I was her mother, I don't know what I'd do, but I'd be tempted towards something really nasty in D.C.
  17. Drumbo

    Drumbo Monkey+

    I have to agree that too many aspects of this do not pass the smell test. I am currently reading the fiction of Matthew Bracken whom I was exposed to at another fourm (he posts under the handle Travis McGee, see Freeper Travis McGee's (Matthew Bracken) ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC now available on Amazon).

    His first novel, Enemies Foreign and Domestic (published in 2003) opens with a terrorist event involving a lone shooter. In the story, the event was a set-up and within two days of the attack, on the heels of non-stop media coverage and political smackdowns, Congress introduce and pass a bill to ban weapons, requiring citizens to turn in their arms for destruction within a week.

    When I began reading Enemies Foreign and Domestic last week, it was just mind candy, like the novels of Brad Thor, Vince Flynn and Joel Rosenburg which I read regularly. After watching and reading the media coverage of the last 24 hours (Whoraldo was on FoxNews all night hosting/pimping this mess), I couldn't help feeling the scrip has been lifted directly from the pages of Bracken's first book - many of the "pundits" are speaking the same talking points as characters in the book and I don't like the implications or hysteria this is stirring.

    Anyone concerned with 2nd Amendment freedoms should read Matt Bracken imho. It reminds us how fragile our rights really are. Of course, passing such a law on a tsunami of public outrage/sheeple panic and actually enforcing it are very different things and the novel plays out along those lines with BATF doing "whatever needs to be done" to make every gun-owner look like extremists whackos. I was stunned by the fiction, but real life is once again overtaking fantasy.

    [2c] My 2¢

  18. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    Yeah using the media for political propaganda when a tragedy occurs is standard behavior. Wasn't it Rahm Emmanuel who did that quote about never letting a crisis go to waste or something like that?
  19. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer


    Led astray from what? So a Bush admin guy dies in the middle of a nasty divorce....? May or may not have had a terminal brain illness.....? If we want to stay on track, let's look at the more shocking news.
  20. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    This is a primary case of what happens when paranoia becomes rampant.

    This guy received his news on the same channel as most CTs. This is the end result of the paranoia that is perpetuated by the "alternate news" sites that spread unreliable, bogus stories to the suggestible.

    Jared is a prime example of why that sort of "fringe" is so unreliable. Mental illness.

    What will come from this? Simply put, it will likely become political gasoline to throw on the 2nd amendment and other issues. The fact that now the talk is about his "links" to certain right wing groups probably means a crackdown is coming via HLS and the Justice Department. The bad part is that they will demonize above and beyond that small fringe to include most us Monkeys. How many of us have participated in the a gold discussion on this forum? Because of this godless idiot, we will get lumped in the same category for the same rhetoric.

    Was it conspired by someone intent on destroying those who want to live independently? Not at all. There was no conspiring. There was a lone idiot. Will the lone idiot be used as ammunition? Absolutely.
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