Convention of States...has the time arrived?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bandit99, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    The Convention of States has been discussed many times in the past; however, the need never wasn't quite enough to make it happen. That has changed drastically in the past few years. Please view this short video (7:30 minutes) to refresh your memory so we can open this topic for discussion.

    My first reaction is anything to prevent a civil war and save the nation is worth trying and if successful it truly would change the nation overnight. Imagine a Balance Budget Amendment that would pull the teeth of the Feds making them a toothless lion. Agencies would have to cut back, dissolve, foreign handouts would be forced to dry up and stay in country....

    Secondly, is for me only, a personal one, and that is why in the hell my state of Idaho isn't on the list of states supporting this? I intend to find out...

    Comments, please.

    Carl Higbie Touts Convention of States for Americans to Flip the Bird to Congress, Take Power Back - YouTube
    GOG and Ura-Ki like this.
  2. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Good luck Idaho is being over run with killifornia liberals
    GOG, SB21 and Ura-Ki like this.
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Hmm, I'm not sure I want to crack open the constitution with today's society.
    I could see things that were enshrined as god given rights being taken away via cracking open the seal.
    you can vote yourself into communism but you have to shoot your way out .. but without guns it gets kinda tough.
    So, nah, reign in your own congress critters if they get out of hand but it's probably too late as they are not going to want to give up the power and the people want the pork projects in their area to not be curtailed.

    Yeah, we are in a big mess. I think that a convention would have good intentions but the outcome won't be what we want.
  4. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    Once you open that door you can figure on the dems and rinos gutting or removing the BoR and potentially altering the entire framework of gov't that has been the standard. Agencies (such as BATFE) could be given sweeping powers in perpetuity and outside of .gov or constituent oversight. KGB, anyone? (not that they are much better than that today.)
    You don't need a convention to submit an amendment.
    GOG, Bandit99 and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    As you state Bandit99, this has been discussed many times in the past, and I agree, it's high time we did it, and I think were at the point that it may be the ONLY thing We the People can do to prevent the inevitable and take back this country!
    There is only ONE problem with this, and that is the Clause that states a convention can only address ONE Single Issue, so you couldn't demand term limits and then demand budget limits on the same "Bill"
    Now, there Are other constitutional mechnisism that can be used, but never have been, and THAT requires a seating of a Common Law Tribunal along side the convention of states, this is an extradonery step, meant to deal with a complete break down of Government, or its leadership, as well as to remove a large number of Politicians who no longer serve We the People, and as such, it has never been used, but it's roots reside within the 25th amendment! By going this route, We the People Now have the process to which we can remove a President, and several members of Congress, as well as reforming government and clearing what ever constitutional issues we decide need addressed!

    My "Want List"
    Remove Biden and Harris, and remove the TOP Democrats in both houses and the RINO's from the Republican side!
    Remove 4 members of SCOTUS, get the liberals out of there, and force the conservatives to FOLLOW the God Damn Constitution AS WRITTEN! Term limits, or age limits, on SCOTUS, and Change it so that the Chief Justice revolves every 5 or 6 years, timed to change between elections, and make it so that NO political party can influence any member of the court, under pain of death!
    Break up and dispose of several gov agencies, the ATF, BLM, FDA, IRS, CDC, ect ect ect! Ensure the Bureaucracy cannot shift personal around, keeping certain people in power elsewhere!
    Break up the FBI and the CIA, and force mandatory civilian oversight, and not just members of some select committee!
    Break up the Military stranglehold over budgets, no more NAVY gets the lions share, then the Air Force, and the others get what's left, make it where ALL 5 branches 100% Equal and get their own separate budget and that's it, no more competition for the limited funds!
    Make America self funded on it's own and remove ALL ( And I do mean ALL) civilian taxes, make the government run on what it sells to other countries and what each state contributes to the collective! No Civilian Taxes, PERIOD, HARD STOP!
    Re-Write certain amendments of the constitution to firm up several areas of contention, starting with the first two, make it so GUN Rights are absolute and un touchable, and any discussion will automatically end a political carrier and or include prison time, PERIOD, NON NEGOTIONABLE!
    Make the 1st absolute, no more of this WOKE bullshit, no more Propaganda from the ONE party, or the Fuckin Media!
    Make a whole sub section of the 1st to specifically Force the Media to report ONLY the truth, with out bias or political angle, and hold them accountable for everything they report, need prison or death to ensure compliance!
    Hold states feet to the fire, NO more challenges to the constitution, PERIOD, HARD STOP, any challenges MUST come from Congress, States are supposed to have their Senators and Congress members able to push challenges through the fed, but that's it, no more State Governors or Attorney Generals declaring LAW on their onesom, or worse, having Voter initiatives that remove or alter Constitutional Rights, like OryGun did, FUCK THAT! Streamline the Inferior Courts, no more of this feet dragging on key issues like the nutty ninth is doing, force a 60 day schedule on ALL cases, and force the courts to adhere to the constitution AS WRITTEN, no more of this Hillory Klinton bullshit that the Constitution is fluid, a living document!
    Viveck Ramswami has it right, cut the government head count by at least 75% Non Negotiable! Break Big Pharma, and Break the defense contractors strangleholds on everything, force competition between the players, and force budget compliance on any contract with the government! States must take ownership of most fed agency control within each border, so forest service, National Parks, ect is now on the states to support and carry out, with Fed funding! Return all lands taken by BLM or USFS, or other "Agencies" The Feds cannot own ANY land outside of constitutional mandate, restore ALL lands back to the states!
    Form "National Ship Yards" owned and funded by the feds, not only national defense, but for civilian ship building!

    gii shi kan dug, GOG, 3M-TA3 and 2 others like this.
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Not true. Not even close to being true. First, yes, we now have some California Leftist down in the Boise area; however, since we have seen what has happened in Washington and Oregon, Idaho is very aware of their actions, 'forewarned is forearmed' and that is very true. I would say they haven't and will not gain much ground here but yes, they are here...for now. Second, all the Californians I have met, ALL of them, and I have met a lot, are more conservative and more adamant against anything and everything that feels or looks, or even smells like Commifornia.

    We normally are in agreement but in this you are completely and utterly wrong. I say this using historical fact. The Federal government cannot and will not stop - period. They have gone from being an addiction into a cancer. They can't stop. Historically, they have done nothing to limit their spending or abuse of power and, if so, it is only a temporary pause to gain support for a limited time then back to status quo. You say this using nothing but 'hope' and to that I say Nietzsche: "Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man." We cannot hope our way out of this - meaning - vote our way out of this because it doesn't matter how we vote anymore. Why? Because both sides are against us! The nation is failing spiritually and economically. I say we no longer have a choice. It will be either this or Civil War or economic collapse and chaos which will probably mean war anyway. To wait and do nothing, try nothing is insanity - "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." - Einstein. Nothing is going to change. You fear losing the 2nd Amendment even though 27+ states now have Constitutional Carry laws with more on the way. I fear losing the country. They'd never be able to get enough states to even consider it.

    I believe, our forefathers were extremely smart and would not have put that article in the Constitution fearing that it would take power and rights from the people. It was put there to take power and reverse government wrongs. Personally, I believe these fears to use the CoS were started by the government themselves, both Democrats and Republicans.
    GOG, Zimmy and Ura-Ki like this.
  7. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I just worry that people will vote for safety, comfort and easy
    rather than a hard true freedom.
    GOG, hot diggity, chelloveck and 2 others like this.
  8. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    Which is it going to be? You're contradicting yourself.
  9. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    New Port News Ship Yard ring a bell? It's but ONE part of the Government "Owning" lands for National Defense ONLY!
  10. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    How? How can they do that using the CoS without a majority as dictated? They can't and they will never be able to get a majority of 75% states (37?). Hell, they can't do it now, would if they could, and they run most everything from courts, to education, to media, to the Senate, to etc. Submit an Amendment? Sure we could submit an Amendment but with elections coming and big donors needed it will be filed with all the rest of the good amendments, file 13, the trash bin. Nothing will happen...just like always, nothing ever does. Hell, we can't even get an understandable tax code. Our tax code is ~2500 pages! We've been trying to get a realistic tax code for as long as I've been alive - nothing. Submit an Amendment? Why? Will it change the outcome? I quote Einstein again...

    Then it is war, one way or another. An economic collapse will lead there too, probably on a world scale so... I'm okay with that. It's the easiest and fastest way to change. We cannot continue to do the same old crap over and over thinking things are going to change because they will not - ever. And, we are out of time. That deficit is the blood of our nation leaking away, what was once a venous trickle is now a spurting artery.

    @Ura-Ki "There is only ONE problem with this, and that is the Clause that states a convention can only address ONE Single Issue, so you couldn't demand term limits and then demand budget limits on the same "Bill""
    Frankly, I think this is a good thing and I suspect was done on purpose. This is not supposed to replace our government process. This is supposed to be a means for when our government goes against our Will, doing what it wants as opposed to what the people want. Look, you put into place a Balance Budget Amendment - meaning - they are NOT allowed to spend more than what is collected - they are done. It will take a couple of years, but they're finished. I would bet it would resolve a lot of our issues, not all but a lot. Hell, they would be eating each other to get at the remaining money.

    All, okay. I get it. Most here are afraid to 'open that can of worms.' I get it but I don't agree with it. Democracy works fine in an honest environment with a level playing field which we don't have - period. That's in our face, every day now and will be the norm of the future. We cannot expect things to change unless we try doing different approaches, new ideas and our choices are limited, very limited. Nothing or no one is going to save us or our nation. Trump, Little Green Men or Jesus Christ is not going to save us. Only we can do it or not do it. There is no middle ground. We know what doesn't work. It hasn't worked in the past, doesn't work now and will not in the future. And, if we are too afraid to just try - well - then it is over. Yeah, it might try to bite us but we'll deal with that when and if it happens but for now, not to do anything or what's worse, waste time doing the same damn thing getting the same damn results is simply assisting in our own demise and downfall.

    I thank you all for listening to me rant and appreciate your comments. I do feel - no - I know I have the right of this, but I do respect your opinions. I hope we can agree to disagree but in truth, it soon won't matter either way because reality bites and 'facts are stubborn things.' - meaning - I think many here will see the results of our actions or inactions and sooner than we would like.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2024
    Ura-Ki and Zimmy like this.
  11. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    I am glad to be corrected good for you Idaho
    Dont and Bandit99 like this.
  12. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I agree a balanced budget amendment would fix most of this. The Deep State would indeed eat each other over the available money.

    I wouldn't pick term limits or taxation or immigration (way too big a topic for any polarity there) for the next amendment.

    I'd pick the trade and manufacturing deficit. I'm not knowledgeable enough to even speak on that but economists like Thomas Sowell and others could probably come up with something that would aid the onshoring of manufacturing and balancing international trade back in our favor.

    With the nation and budget fat on export tariffs I would even splurge for midnight basketball tournaments in the ghettos...
    CraftyMofo and Ura-Ki like this.
  13. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    This would be seen as secession and the fed would intervene to stop it. It would require true patriots in the state governments who would be willing to give up the fed handouts. Then the Welfare sucking masses would storm the state capitals along with the old vets and retirees wanting to know where their Social Security and Mil retirement went. Of course the fed would also shut down the VA hospitals too. We tend to see the good side of corralling the fed, but those vindictive mofos would turn off the spigot in a heartbeat.
    To that I add: Something is bad wrong when a Congressman goes into office and their net worth increases by millions in two years. They will do anything to keep that money train on its tracks.
    Ura-Ki, johnbb, GOG and 1 other person like this.
  14. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    That is already happening...

    The only thing is that some political factions are exploiting the fears and anxieties of those who yearn for 'safety, comfort and easy'; that their 'safety, comfort and easy' is at risk of the 'other' ( i.e. immigrants, LGBTQI, liberals, Democratic Party, socialists, communists, secularists, etc etc etc) What some factions of American politics are actually offering, is the illusion of 'freedom' from the 'other' at the 'cheap' cost of dismantling democratic institutions, and promoting the kind of authoritarianism which benefits the relatively few, at the expense of most.
    VisuTrac likes this.
  15. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

  16. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    For what it's worth, I did a bit more digging about this and came across the John Birch Society which also think the Convention of States is a bad idea. What they do have is a very detailed video course about it which I found very impressive. What they don't have is any idea to get us out of this mess except the same old BS which we've been doing, called 'voting your representative in/out' which, to state the obvious, doesn't work or if it does is simply temporary until he/she can find the highest bidder to be bribed or outright bought, and/or, if that fails, they get blackmailed. Also, we have the more direct-action approach at the party level of rigging the elections then covering it up with the media and slow rolling any complaints in the courts until it doesn't matter.

    For what it is worth, here it is for those who wish to know more...

    Article V Academy : The John Birch Society (

    Either way, the outcome is always the same. They win. We lose. We do the same old moral right thing, and they do the progressive immoral thing which consist of whatever it takes to win, via hook or crook.

    I think what truly bothers me is the Constitution is an amazing document, but it cannot save us. The Constitution assumes everyone plays and adheres to the rules...which certainly doesn't happen in the 21st century. It cannot fix anything since it is nothing but a piece of paper which has been bypassed, circumvented or simply ignored, so much so, that it's becoming more irrelevant every year. It depends on the people and the people's representatives to enforce its words of law but if neither don't...

    This has been an interesting topic for me for if nothing else I finally understand the true nature of the problem - sadly it is us, the American people. It is not the crooks in Congress. Of course, they're crooks, that's why they are politicians! A fact proven each and every day...

    So, Garbage in = Garbage out. We keep doing the same old thing and we'll get the same old result until the end which can't be long now. I guess there truly is only two possible endings to the American story and neither of them are happy.
  17. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    This isn't - and never has been- a Democracy. Period.
    Moose and Bandit99 like this.
  18. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    No. It is a Republic with Democracy principles and ideas but you understood what I meant.
    Zimmy and Ura-Ki like this.
  19. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    the politicians have shat upon the Constitution to the point where you feel it's time to get the politicians to do something about it. I see.
    I believe repealing the 17th Amendment is the one thing that could indicate America can be made great again.
    If that isn't the one focus, then I have no hope of making anything happen that you and I would agree is "good".
    Bandit99 and Ura-Ki like this.
  20. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    There is the "RECAL" of politicians, which should be a slam dunk, but we don't use it often enough, and we never seem to get the numbers needed to actually do the deed! Look at Cali Gov'ner Newsome, he has faced Recall at least 3 times I know of, possibly more, and yet that Evil Fucker still sits in the Gov'ners office with his shit eatin grin and slicked back hair!

    We are our own worst enemy here, we have had it too easy for too long,, and when the left ramped up all the freebies and hand outs, they stopped any chance we had to drive the numbers needed to get a Recall effort through and across the finish line to actually remove any bent politician!

    And now,, when we are at the cliff staring off into the abyss, we are reaching for any sort of hope and change, but there is none, because we let things get so damn far out of hand while we still had any chance, now there is None, and we deserve what is coming!
    Bandit99 likes this.
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